Yorkshire Photography
News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 09, 2017 10:26:01 AM
Yesterday (Tuesday 28th March), Alexander Palmer, 62, of Selborne Street, Rotherham was sentenced to seven years in prison after being found guilty of six counts of indecent assault and two counts of gross indecency with a child, at a trial at Doncaster Crown Court last week.
Palmer, who was arrested by police in 2015 after an investigation had been launched, committed the offences on his victim between 1998 and 2002.
Throughout this time period Palmer abused his position of power and trust to target a vulnerable victim for his own sexual gratification, giving no thought to the impact his despicable actions were having not only to the victim but their family as well.
Detective Sergeant Thomas Woodward who led the investigation into Palmer has said: “The victim in this case was extremely brave, and showed great courage to come forward and report the sexual offences committed by Palmer. The victim continued to show great strength throughout the whole criminal justice process and further witnesses also deserve a lot of credit for providing supportive evidence in the case.
“Palmer abused his position of trust with the victim’s family for a number of years to be able to freqent their family home and abuse the victim. This was pure evil behaviour from Palmer and I am pleased with the sentence.
“If there are any further members of the public who are victims of such crimes and are wondering whether to report it to South Yorkshire Police, they can be assured that each report will be treated very seriously, will be investigated thoroughly and wherever possible offenders will be brought to justice.”
If you would like to report anything to police, please contact us on 101 or send an email to enquiries@southyorks.pnn.police.uk.
*Please note all victims of sexual abuse are granted lifelong anonymity
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