Yorkshire Photography
News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 20, 2017 11:44:26 AM
Barnsley Council and Developing Initiatives Supporting Communities (DISC) are reminding people experiencing substance misuse that there is local support available.
Following recent news of four deaths in the borough, suspected as a result of heroin use, anyone with concerns is being encouraged to contact Barnsley Recovery Steps, the new drug and alcohol service provided by DISC, who can provide tailored support and advice.
Emily Todd, DISC’s Assistant Director, said: “Any death from drug use is a tragedy, and DISC offers its condolences to all involved. Drug users, their friends and families need to be aware that the strength of heroin is one of a number of factors that can lead to an overdose. People can become less tolerant to heroin after a period of abstinence, using the drug at the same time as other depressant drugs including alcohol, can all contribute to the risk.
“Current heroin users are being advised to use a smaller test dose with any new batches, not to use depressants at the same time as heroin, and not to use alone. People who experience any unusual symptoms or those that witness an overdose on heroin should call an ambulance immediately.
“Heroin addiction is a chronic relapsing condition and can take many years and several attempts at treatment to overcome. But we should never write people off – with the right support and treatment, they can and do recover.
Councillor Jenny Platts, Cabinet Spokesperson for Communities at Barnsley Council, said: “Barnsley Recovery Steps provides excellent services for anyone who wants to overcome addiction with a number of recovery methods to give the right support at the right time. We’re encouraging anyone who’d like more advice, or to talk about their concerns to get in touch with the service for more information.”
To contact Barnsley Recovery Steps call 01226 779066 or visit www.disc-vol.org.uk/projects/barnsley.
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