Thursday 27 April 2017

United Airlines investigates giant bunny death

Yorkshire Photography

World News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 04:31:27 PM

United Airlines is investigating the death of a giant rabbit which was being transported on one of its planes.

The 90cm-long bunny, called Simon, was found dead in the cargo hold when the flight arrived at Chicago's O'Hare airport from London Heathrow.

Reports in UK media say the 10 month-old giant rabbit was being delivered to a new "celebrity" owner.

United, which has had a torrid few weeks of bad publicity, said it was "saddened" by Simon's death.

'Well-being important'

Animals dying on planes is rare but not unheard of.

US Department of Transportation figures show that in 2015, the most recent data available, US airlines reported 35 animal deaths.

Of those, 14 deaths were on United flights, with a further nine creatures injured. Across the year, United carried 97,156 animals, meaning there were 2.37 incidents for every 10,000 animals transported during the period.

That was the highest rate seen on any US airline, according to the data.

In a statement sent to the BBC, United said: "We were saddened to hear this news. The safety and well-being of all the animals that travel with us is of the utmost importance to United Airlines and our PetSafe team.

"We have been in contact with our customer and have offered assistance. We are reviewing this matter."

The Sun newspaper reported that Simon was the 10-month-old son of the world's largest rabbit - a 1.3m-long continental giant rabbit called Darius - and was expected to have grown larger than his father.

Owner Annette Edwards told the paper: "Simon had a vet's check-up three hours before the flight and was fit as a fiddle.

"Something very strange has happened and I want to know what. I've sent rabbits all around the world and nothing like this has happened before."


United has been in damage control mode this month after passenger Dr David Dao lost two front teeth and suffered a broken nose when he was forcibly removed from an overbooked flight at Chicago's O'Hare airport.

The incident caused outrage and widespread condemnation of the airline after footage was shared and watched by millions of people online.

The firm has apologised and reviewed its policies on overbooking planes,.

In late March, United was heavily criticised on social media after two girls were reportedly barred from flying for wearing leggings on a flight from Denver to Minneapolis

United said the girls were travelling on a special pass, for employees and their guests, which has a dress code.


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What happens to your Facebook account after you die?


Yorkshire Photography

World News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 04:17:30 PM

A German couple is suing because Facebook won't grant them access to their dead daughter's account. The trial, which began in a Berlin court on Tuesday, touches on the complicated issue of digital legacy.

Having a child die before you is devastating enough as it is. But a Berlin mother has had to wage a years-long court battle to learn more about her teenage daughter's death. She is suing to gain access to the Facebook account of her daughter, who in 2012 died under unclear circumstances at the age of 15.

Tuesday marked the first day of the trial at Berlin's superior court of justice. No verdict has been passed down yet. Judges gave both parties - the deceased girl's parents and social media giant Facebook - two weeks to find a solution outside of court.

The girl died in a Berlin subway station when she was run over by an incoming train five years ago. To this day, the parents don't know whether it was a suicide. To get closure they want access to the posts and messages their daughter sent on Facebook, which they hope will reveal more about her death.

Deutschland Fotoalbum mit Hochzeitsfoto (Fotolia/Brigitte Bohnhorst)

Easier times: before the rise of digital photography and social media, relatives would inherit physical photo albums or letters that they could simply pick up from the deceased loved one's home

Treating Facebook messages like letters.

The question is whether the parents inherited her digital accounts just like they did her analog possessions.

In a first trial at the Berlin district court in December 2015, judges had decided in favor of the parents and had ordered Facebook to give them access.

The judges said analog and digital possessions should be treated the same. Otherwise it would lead to the paradox that "letters and diaries were inheritable independent of their content, but e-mails and private Facebook posts were not."

They argued that giving the parents access wouldn't violate the daughter's personal rights, since parents are allowed to know what their children who are still minors communicate online.

The rights of other users.

But Facebook appealed the decision. Representatives of the US social network argued that the decisions affected other users, too, who had exchanged messages with the girl that they assumed would remain private.

That is an issue experts are also discussing independent of the current Berlin case.

"I can understand the wishes of a family to get access after someone has died," Elke Brucker-Kley, IT service management lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, told DW earlier this year.

"The other question is: is the platform operator or the service provider even entitled to grant access? The dead person may have had a circle of friends in a social network like Facebook and these people shared their data with the deceased, not with the relatives."

Legacies in the social media age.

The question of what happens with our digital legacy is becoming more and more important. Avid Facebook users might have thousands of photos and videos saved under their name, some of which were taken by other people and aren't saved anywhere on the deceased's computer where family could have access to it.

A person's social media legacy also includes tweets, status updates and Instagram stories that run the gamut from detailing mundane everyday occurrences to commemorating life events like receiving your college acceptance letter or saying yes to your boyfriend's surprise proposal.

Some message threads on Facebook span years of a friendship or relationship. They are a detailed document showing the process of two people falling in love or turning from acquaintances to best friends who share their deepest secrets with each other.

What would you want to happen with all of that after you die?

The issue with memorialized accounts.

Facebook has set up several provisions intended to give users control over their social media afterlife. One option is to have your account permanently deleted after your death. Users can set this up with just a few clicks at any time.

The less drastic choice at users' disposal is to opt for their account to be memorialized after they die. If a user chooses this option, when he or she dies the word "Remembering" will show up next to the person's name on their profile. Friends and family can then share memories on a memorialized account's timeline and the user's shared content will remain on Facebook.

The one thing that most strongly distinguishes a memorialized account from a living person's account: no one can log in to a memorialized account anymore. That's also the issue in the case currently heard at Berlin's superior court. The parents of the dead girl allowed her to create a Facebook account when she was 14 - under the condition she share her password with them.

But when the mother tried to log in to the account after her daughter had passed away, it was already memorialized and could not be accessed anymore. It is not clear who prompted the memorialization.

Choosing a legacy contact.

Facebook users can also determine a legacy contact, someone who looks after their account after it has been memorialized. Only persons older than 18 can do that, however, so the girl who passed away in Berlin didn't have that option.

It wouldn't have been of much use to the mother anyway, since what a legacy contact can do is limited. Facebook states on its help page that a legacy contact can pin a post on the dead person's timeline, for example about a memorial service, change the profile picture and archive the user's posts and photos.

What a legacy contact cannot do: log in to the original user's account and read their messages - exactly what the Berlin mother is trying to gain the right to do.

A few last words.

A Facebook app called "If I die" allows users to type up a last message that will be displayed after they die. Of course, this is only relevant for users who have time and a reason to think about their last words, and not for people who die suddenly. "If I die" users are able to write a text or upload a short video. The app will share the content on Facebook after three trustees previously chosen by the user have confirmed the death.

Any actions to secure a digital legacy only work, of course, if a user has taken the necessary steps to set them in motion. And not many young people are likely to do that, according to IT lecturer Brucker-Kley.

"Those users who have a significant digital legacy that's important to them personally are not the ones who have already thought much about their mortality or what they might leave behind," she said. "A digital legacy is not on top of [their] list."


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EU Ambassadors Approve Visa Liberalization For Ukraine

Yorkshire Photography

World News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 04:17:30 PM

BRUSSELS -- EU ambassadors have approved visa liberalization for Ukraine, a key step toward closer ties and visa-free travel to the EU for Ukrainians.

EU ministers are now set to rubber-stamp the decision on May 11, and the signing ceremony for the deal is expected to take place in Strasbourg on May 17.

EU diplomats have told RFE/RL they hope the visa-free regime will enter into force in mid-June.

Analysts say Russia's seizure of Crimea and involvement in a war against government forces in eastern Ukraine have only increased many Ukrainians' desire for closer ties with the EU.

Many in the country of 44 million have closely followed the process since December 2015, when the European Commission recommended to EU member states and the European Parliament that Ukraine be granted visa liberalization.

The decision will apply to all Ukrainian citizens who have biometric passports. They will be able to enter all EU member states apart from Ireland and the United Kingdom for up to 90 days during any 180-day period.

Visa-free EU travel began on March 28 for citizens of Georgia, another former Soviet republic that is under pressure from Russia.


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California beauty queen, 27, jailed for child porn

Yorkshire Photography

World News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 04:12:54 PM

A former US beauty queen has admitted possessing child pornography and lewd acts with a child.

Meghan Alt, 27, was sentenced to 300 days in jail and three years of probation after entering the pleas.

She was arrested in 2015 on charges of selling images she took of a four-year-old female relative to a Marine stationed in southern California.

In 2014 the mother-of-three won California's Mrs Orange County beauty pageant.

She was also a contestant in the Mrs California contest that same year.

When she learned her fate last Friday, Alt was also ordered to carry out 15 days of community service and complete a treatment programme for child abusers, court records show.


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U.S. deploys F-35 stealth fighters to Estonia for NATO drills

Yorkshire Photography

World News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 04:02:42 PM

Two U.S. F-35 fighter jets arrived on Tuesday in NATO member Estonia to take part in the military alliance’s drills as the aircraft saw their first operational deployment in continental Europe.

The planes with stealth technology to avoid detection by radar landed at the Amari air base from a base in Britain.

Air Marshal Stuart Evans of NATO’s Allied Air Command said the F-35s will be “the fundamentals” in the military alliance’s capabilities to defend the air sovereignty of its members.

“If you look at the challenges to our security environment, our ability to dominate the air environment, this aircraft is one of the fundamentals as we go forward into the future to face any potential security challenges,” Evans told The Associated Press.

The F-35s deployed to Europe are permanently stationed at an air base in Utah and are part of the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons program, estimated to cost around $400 billion.

One of the U.S. Air Force pilots of the F-35 planes was Lt. Col. George Watkins, who was impressed with the aircraft’s performance.

“The F-35s are amazing,” said Watkins, who has flown the plane for around two years now. “It takes our capability to a whole new level of technology. Just the stealth capability alone is really amazing for the pilot because it increases our survivability and allows us to go where other planes can’t go.”

He said the plane conducted one airborne refueling session from the accompanying KC-35 tanker plane during the three-hour flight en route from Lakenheath in eastern England to the Baltic country.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Air Force deployed a fleet of F-35s, its newest and most powerful fighters, to Britain to reassure U.S. allies in the face of Russian aggression.

U.S.A.F. said the F-35s will remain “a period of time” in Estonia to conduct air drills with NATO aircraft in the region “in a realistic training environment.”


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West Street 1900

Wath-upon-Dearne Photos

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West Street looking up towards Church Street at top

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Wath Hump

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Wath Hump

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Newhill Farm 1900


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Newhill Farm 1900

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Newhill Hall


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Newhill Hall

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Parade on Church Street


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Parade on Church Street

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Possibly Grange Farm in Newhill


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Possibly Grange Fam in Newhill

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St Josephs RC Junior School Easter Parade


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St Joseph's RC Junior School Easter Parade along Carr Road Wath-upon-Dearne

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Towards Barnsley Road Wath-on-Dearne


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Towards Barnsley Road through West Melton from Wath-upon-Dearne

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Midland Terrace, Wath - Flooded 1933

Wath-upon-Dearne Photos

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Midland Terrace, Wath-upon-Dearne - Flooded 1933

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Manvers - Wath-upon-Dearne

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Manvers - Wath-upon-Dearne

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Wath-upon-Dearne Coronation Arch 1911


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Wath-upon-Dearne Coronation Arch 1911

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Brampton Hall


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Brampton Hall

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Brampton Hall


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Brampton Hall

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Brampton Hall


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Brampton Hall

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Brampton Hall


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Brampton Hall

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Brampton Ellis School 1948


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Brampton Ellis School 1948

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Brampton Ellis School 1947


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Brampton Ellis School 1947

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Brampton Ellis School 1946


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Brampton Ellis School 1946

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Brampton Ellis School 1946


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Brampton Ellis School 1946

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Ground breaking for Barnsley glass works as construction

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire April 26, 2017 11:04:19 PM

The Mayor of Barnsley, Cllr Linda Burgess led the celebrations today, making the first dig into the ground with the ceremonial spade to mark the start of construction on the first permanent building within The Glass Works, Barnsley’s transformative town centre development scheme.

Speaking about the occasion The Mayor said: “We have reached another exciting milestone in the redevelopment. During my mayoral year I have had the privilege of seeing the town centre really progress, changing the skyline of Barnsley forever.”

Last month, Barnsley Council announced its commitment to invest an additional £70 million in its town centre redevelopment scheme, making a total investment of £120 million. Named The Glass Works, the scheme will provide shops, restaurants, a 13 screen Cineworld and Superbowl UK, alongside a brand new home for Barnsley Markets, a new central library and community space, multi-storey car park and high-quality public realm.

The futuristic £5.3million central library and community space has been designed to be the beacon of the town. It will have a transparent glazed skin that emits light to illuminate the new public square.

Offering free Wi-Fi throughout the building, almost double the space for IT facilities, and exciting pop up demonstrations and events, the cutting-edge building will meet the needs of the Barnsley community, particularly the next generation of technology-savvy learners. A roof terrace will provide great views over the town and offer excellent opportunities for events and functions. Residents will be encouraged to help decide the name of the new building as construction progresses.

David Shepherd Service Director Economic Regeneration said: “We launched The Glass Works just over six weeks ago and here we are today marking the construction of the first building in the redevelopment. There has been a lot of demolition in the town centre over the past couple of years, so it’s great to see building works commence. We’re moving forward and giving Barnsley what it deserves; a vibrant town centre.”

The building will front on to a welcoming new public square, which is purpose designed to host concerts and events to attract visitors to the town. It will share the square with the new 13 screen Cineworld and Superbowl UK and be framed by cafes and restaurants, providing a new destination for families and friends, as well as people relaxing after work.


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