Friday 10 June 2016

Drugs arrests in Sheffield

News: Latest Events distributed around Yorkshire June 10, 2016 02:25:32 PM

An extensive, covert operation into suspected drugs activity and organised crime in Sheffield reached its culmination this afternoon as 12 people have been arrested.

Officers executed five pre-planned warrants in the Manor and Arbourthorne areas of the city, as two-months of planning for the operation, entitled Op Past, came to a head.

Sheffield Commander, Chief Superintendent David Hartley, said: “The operation was designed to target and dismantle a number of organised crime groups (OCGs) and to disrupt the supply and distribution of class A drugs across the city.

“Those who are involved in drug dealing are a scourge to our city. My resolve, along with every officer at Sheffield, is to find these people and bring them down, taking away their liberty to ensure we keep the public safe.

“I want to make it very clear to anyone who is involved, or thinking of becoming involved, in any form of criminal activity, that the action this afternoon has not been a ‘one off’, and today should serve as a stark warning that no one is exempt from the law.”

The three women and nine men, aged between 17 and 48-years-old, were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs.

All 12 are currently in police custody being questioned by officers.

Searches of the properties are still on-going, however multiple kilos of suspected class A and B drugs have so far been seized from three of the five addresses raided as well as a large quantity of cash.

Ch Supt Hartley added: ““Today has seen a series of brave policing interventions, the majority being armed. A number of people have been arrested and a large quantity of suspected drugs recovered.

“The arrests are testament to the dedication and determination of a number of officers who have worked solely on this covert investigation over the last eight-weeks.

“One very brave officer has been injured leading one of the raids at the properties today, and my thoughts and best wishes go out to him.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank those involved in the covert phase, and to reassure our communities that we are taking action and we will continue to do so.

“I do hope today will assist to increase public confidence in South Yorkshire Police, and act as a deterrent to others from becoming involved in organised crime.”


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