Thursday 10 August 2017

Rotherham man guilty of grooming teenager

Latest news in Yorkshire: August 10, 2017 04:51:14 PM

A 25-year-old man who told his teenage victim “he was too pretty to go to prison” in an attempt to keep her from disclosing his offending against her has been convicted of grooming.

Ryan Kirk, of St Andrew’s Close, Sunnyside, was on trial for five days at Sheffield Crown court last week, charged with one count of grooming and three counts of sexual activity with a child.

He originally denied all charges against him, however he entered guilty pleas to the sexual activity charges four days into the trial on Thursday, 3 August.

He continued to deny the grooming offence but a jury found him guilty on Friday, 4 August. He has been remanded into custody until September for sentencing.

DC Lee Corker investigating said: “Over six months, Kirk groomed a 15-year-old girl, coercing her into sexual activity with him for his own perverse gains.

“Kirk was 22-years-old at the time of his offending, and knew full well the girl was only 15, having befriended her initially on Facebook and stating he was 19.

“He tried to coax her into a sexual relationship, saying he wanted more from her and by making reference to her age, claiming if she was older it would be more, and by picking her up in his car, driving to secluded locations to make further advances and deviously attempt to influence her.

“He completely took advantage of a young girl and exploited her, to satisfy his own sick and twisted need for control and power. When he became aware the police were involved, he begged her to not say what had really happened, claiming he was too pretty to go prison and telling her what she should say, then checking in with her again after she had spoken to police.

“The courage and bravery this young girl has shown in coming forward is truly commendable. Kirk didn’t even have the decency to save her the horrific ordeal of a trial, making her endure the majority of it until he decided to change his plea at the last minute.

“I hope this result gives people further confidence to come forward and report crimes of this nature to police. I want to offer my assurance to any victim of a sexual offence, that we will always treat your report sensitively, confidentially and thoroughly investigate any offences against you, and provide support and assistance throughout the legal process, to ensure those responsible are held accountable for their appalling actions.”

If you are a victim of a sexual offence, please call police on 101 or contact the National Child Exploitation Line, Say Something, on 116000. In an emergency, please always call 999.

Yorkshire Photography

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