Friday 4 August 2017

River Dove wetland projects will support wildlife and reduce flood risk

Latest news in Yorkshire: August 03, 2017 01:03:05 PM


Barnsley Council is supporting nature reserve projects near Darfield that will create new wetland habitat and provide improved flood protection to properties in Low Valley.

The projects, supported by the Dearne Valley Green Heart partnership, the Garganey Trust and the Environment Agency, will see the improvement of wetland habitats just north of the River Dove on the Council’s Doveside nature reserve, and wetland creation with flood alleviation benefits on a nearby site south of Wombwell Ings.

New reed beds and wet grassland systems will provide valuable habitat for a range of wildlife, attracting more varied birdlife including species which are classified as Birds of Conservation Concern.

Some 17 properties in Low Valley will benefit from additional flood relief provided by additional water storage capacity.

A public drop-in session regarding the improvements at Doveside nature reserve is being held at Darfield Library on Thursday 3 August between 4pm and 6pm to allow local residents to find out more about the scheme. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Cllr Jenny Platts, Cabinet Spokesperson for Communities, said: “We are pleased to be working with the Environment Agency and Dearne Valley Green Heart partners to improve Doveside nature reserve and wetland sites across Wombwell and Darfield.

“The project will not only help reduce flood risk in the area but also allow habitats and wildlife to thrive, and local people to enjoy these wetland sites once again.”

Work on the project is expected to start in autumn this year. Once completed, the new habitat areas will be managed as nature reserves.

Funding for the scheme is being provided from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Landfill Communities Fund, and the Government.

Yorkshire Photography

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