Wednesday 9 August 2017

Barnsley’s Safer Neighbourhood Service ‘close’ Cudworth flat

Latest news in Yorkshire: August 09, 2017 11:52:09 AM

A flat in the Cudworth area of Barnsley is now temporarily ‘closed’ after officers and staff from Barnsley’s Safer Neighbourhood Service (SNS) responded to ongoing antisocial behaviour concerns.

The SNS is led by Barnsley Council and South Yorkshire Police and brings a new approach to community safety and neighbourhood policing.

Under the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, the flat, in Crown Avenue, will be closed until early November, with only the occupant, Barnsley Council employees and other officials allowed inside of the house.

PC Stacey Fieldsend, said: “Working alongside the council and Berneslai Homes, we have been able to act on concerns raised regarding antisocial behaviour at this address.

“A closure order allows us to not only make the area a safer and more enjoyable place to live, but also allows us to protect members of the community by preventing antisocial behaviour.

“Anyone found to be entering the flat over the next three months who isn’t allowed to, could face prosecution and ultimately a prison sentence.”

Councillor Jenny Platts, Cabinet Spokesperson for Communities at Barnsley Council, said: “This is another great example of how working in partnership, we can achieve positive results for our communities.

“We know antisocial behaviour can create many problems for residents. Together with South Yorkshire Police we’re taking the actions needed to address these problems and make our neighbourhoods better places for everyone.”

In November, if deemed appropriate, officers can apply for the order to be extended. The order was granted at Barnsley Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 3 August.

Yorkshire Photography

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