Thursday 3 August 2017

Fly tippers issued with fixed penalty fines

Latest news in Yorkshire: August 03, 2017 09:49:59 AM

Two fly tippers have been hit with £600 in fines after using the Rotherham countryside as a dumping ground – as the Council cracks down on those blighting the borough.

The men were seen to dump a total of four children’s car seats in a hedgerow at Howdike Lane, Hooton Roberts.

They were traced by Rotherham Council and issued with fixed penalty notices of £300 each under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 33ZA. Both fines were subsequently paid in full.

Last year Rotherham Council’s Cabinet committed to a new “Time for Action” policy targeting fly tipping and litter. It agreed plans to issue fixed penalty notices to fly-tippers, allowing the Council to fine the perpetrators up to £400 without the need for a lengthy prosecution, with a reduced fee of £300 for early payment.

The move came after Government changes aimed at simplifying UK legislation which gave Councils new tools and powers to deal with environmental offences.

Cllr Emma Hoddinott, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety said: “I am pleased that these men paid the price for their clearly unacceptable behaviour.

“It’s a priority for us to tackle this nuisance which not only blights our area but results in law-abiding citizens having to foot the bill to see it cleaned up the Council.”



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