Thursday 3 August 2017

Latest news in Yorkshire: August 03, 2017 09:07:21 AM

Rotherham bank robbers jailed for 33 years

Two men have been sentenced to 33 years in prison for carrying out a “frightening and violent” armed robbery at a Rotherham bank.

Michael Lydon, 53, of Fair View, Cleethorpes, was jailed for 20 years after being found guilty by a jury at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday (28 July). He denied his involvement in the robbery at Yorkshire Bank in Rawmarsh in January 2016.

Paul Smith, 57, of The Coppice, Kimberworth, was sentenced to 13 years after admitting the charges at an earlier hearing. Both men were convicted of seven charges including two counts of robbery, attempt robbery, possession of an imitation firearm and causing injury by dangerous driving.

Lead investigating officer DC Chris Lewis said: “The lengthy jail terms reflect the serious nature of the crimes committed by these two dangerous individuals.

“Not only did they carry out a violent and frightening attack on innocent bank staff they also continued to carry out further violent robberies in their bid to escape which resulted in a female being seriously injured.

“They clearly believed that they were above the law but thanks to excellent police work and assistance from members of the public, we were able to capture these dangerous criminals.”

At around 8.30am on Friday 29 January, Lydon and Smith, wearing balaclavas, entered the bank armed with a gun and a crowbar.

They laid in wait before threatening staff demanding cash from the safe and cash machines. One of the staff was able to activate a panic alarm which alerted the police.

When officers arrived, the offenders locked five members of staff in the bank’s vault and fled the scene. Lydon and Smith threatened attending officers with a gun and left on foot along Rawmarsh Hill and toward New Bear Road, dumping the bag of cash in a bush along the way.

The pair went on to threaten a woman on Ashwood Road with the gun and tried to pull her from her car however she was able to drive off.

Soon after, they made a second attempt to take a vehicle from a woman on Foundry Street in Parkgate. After grabbing her from behind and taking her keys, they stole her van and drove it at her to get away, causing her to suffer a fractured leg, foot and shoulder.

CCTV showed the men get into another car after discarding the van in a nearby car park. Smith was identified through CCTV and later arrested. CCTV and phone evidence traced Lydon to the Cleethorpes area where he was also later arrested.

“These men were ruthless and violent in their attempts to steal money without regard for the staff who worked there,” added DC Lewis.

“Their actions in trying to escape again showed their disregard for the victims who have all been subjected to terrifying experiences which will no doubt affect them for the rest of their lives.

“Prison sentences can never compensate for the ordeal that several victims suffered at the hands of these criminals however I hope it will go some way to reassure people that they are now in prison.”

Yorkshire Photography

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