Wednesday 13 September 2017

Blue badge prosecutions continue

Latest news in Yorkshire: September 13, 2017 10:55:39 AM

Rotherham Council is to crack down on the misuse of disabled parking badges following two more prosecutions for blue badge abuse in Rotherham Town Centre.

The latest cases were heard at Sheffield Magistrates Court on Tuesday 8th August 2017.

Asim Zaman, 21, of Middlefield Road, Rotherham pleaded guilty to using his grandmother’s blue badge to park his vehicle in a designated disabled parking bay in Douglas Street car park, Rotherham, in November 2016. Zaman was fined £100 with £300 costs and £30 victim surcharge.

Andrew Allen, 31, of High Hazel Crescent, Catcliffe, Rotherham, pleaded to using his daughter’s blue badge to park his vehicle in a designated disabled parking bay on Don Street, Rotherham, in February 2017. Allen was fined £100 with £300 costs and £30 victim surcharge.

Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy Cllr Denise Lelliott said: "The Council has now prosecuted a total of 113 cases where blue badges of blue badge misuse - including 11 in 2017 alone.

“Unfortunately despite this high number of successful prosecutions, people continue to try and park with blue badges that they are not entitled to use.

“People need to be aware that misusing designated disabled parking facilities is not only illegal, but it also inconveniences people who have genuine needs and often prevents genuine badge holders from undertaking their shopping or business.

“We will continue to prosecute such cases where it is in the public interest to do so and our parking services team will be stepping up their efforts to stamp out this anti-social practice.”

Yorkshire Photography

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