Wednesday 8 February 2017

Crackdown on persistent evaders brings results

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire February 08, 2017 01:52:49 PM

A Council crackdown on rogue motorists who persistently evade parking fines with unregistered vehicles has been hailed a success.

Rotherham Council announced plans to tackle the problem, along with those who park dangerously or cause obstructions, last September.

The Council’s Parking Service began removing offending vehicles in an attempt to prevent further unsafe parking activities and to assist in the recovery of any outstanding debts.

The Council’s Parking Services Manager, Martin Beard, said that the situation caused safety issues for other highway users, including pedestrians, as well as meaning that the Council’s normal debt recovery procedures could not be carried out.

Since the new procedures for dealing with “persistent evaders” were introduced, seven vehicles have been removed by the Council, resulting in more than £1,200 in unpaid penalty charges being recovered.

The Council's Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, Cllr Denise Lelliott, said: "We're really pleased with these results, but most importantly since we began the scheme to remove these vehicles we've noticed a reduction in problems with them being parked dangerously or in contravention day after day.

“I’m delighted that the potential for removing these vehicles is acting as a deterrent to others.

"In addition, the crackdown has also uncovered a number of criminal offences such as driving without a valid licence or insurance, and the police are following up these matters."

The Council will take action where there are found to be six outstanding penalty charge notices (PCNs) and remove the offending vehicle to a pound. The vehicle can be released upon payment of the release fee (currently set at £105.00 by legislation), storage costs plus payment for the PCN.

Before their vehicle is released the keeper must provide photographic identity plus proof of address to enable the recovery of any outstanding parking debt.

Parking Services will also remove any parked vehicles that are causing a hazard to other highway users, including pedestrians. If a vehicle is contravening a restriction, such as a double yellow line, and it is causing a hazard, obstruction or congestion it may be immediately issued with a PCN and removed to a pound.

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