Yorkshire Photography
News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 10:08:54 AM
To tie in with World Alzheimer’s Month throughout September, officers are reminding relatives and carers of people with Alzheimer’s that the Herbert Protocol is available.
With the aim of protecting vulnerable adults with Alzheimer’s should they ever go missing, the Herbert Protocol gives officers access to vital information quickly.
Chief Inspector Jakki Hardy, said: “When a person is reported missing, those initial few hours are absolutely crucial in our work towards bringing them home safe.
“If someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia is reported missing, the Protocol, which is essentially a form completed by the person themselves, friends or family, allows us to access incredibly important information about that person.
“This includes the person’s medical status, mobility, daily routines, places of interest and access to transport, which can prove incredibly helpful when looking for a missing person.
“This in turn will hopefully reduce the amount of time they are away from their loved ones.”
The Herbert Protocol was originally developed in Norfolk and was named after a former soldier who had Alzheimer’s.
CI Hardy continued: “The Protocol is another useful tool we can use alongside our existing procedures and safeguarding measures when someone is reported missing.
“It’s an incredibly worrying time for anyone when a family member or friend is reported missing, especially so when that person is vulnerable due to illness.
“The sheet helps to form part of our search plan and can save us valuable time in helping to find that person as it can help us to ascertain where they might be, or how they might get there for example.
“Police will only ever ask to see the form if that person is reported missing and obviously we hope never to have to use it. However, if you have a friend or a relative with Alzheimer’s or dementia, I’d urge you to look at completing the form, should they ever go missing.”
To find out more about the Herbert Protocol and to download the form, please visit southyorks.police.uk/help-and-advice/herbert-protocol.
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