Thursday 29 September 2016

Proposed Merger For Local College


Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 30, 2016 05:00:00 AM

A proposed College merger is set to strengthen education and enhance opportunities for learners and businesses in the South Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire areas.

A new partnership between Dearne Valley College and the RNN Group, which currently incorporates Rotherham College and North Notts College, would see the two organisations merge to deliver unrivalled provision in the region, combining their strengths and expertise whilst maintaining their own existing identities, campuses and commercial enterprises.

The merged organisation will offer school leavers the widest range of college courses and apprenticeships regionally, educating and training more 16- to 18-year olds than any other school or organisation in the area, and will work with over a thousand companies offering specialised training and apprenticeships to support business growth and success.

It will also offer sixth form and college leavers, and adults returning to education, the largest higher education offer in Rotherham and North Nottinghamshire, with progression routes onto university-accredited degrees and higher-level courses delivered locally across the campuses.

Under the proposals, the Manvers campus will continue as Dearne Valley College, but will become part of a family of organisations supported by the RNN Group, encompassing three further education colleges and five training providers, with a projected annual turnover in excess of £50 million.
The expanded organisation will have campuses in Rotherham town centre, Wath-upon-Dearne, Dinnington, Worksop and Retford, and will continue to work with employers across the whole of the Sheffield City Region.

The Further Education sector is currently taking part in a government-led national review, looking at recommendations to create ‘fewer, more resilient colleges’. Whilst the merger between Dearne Valley College and the RNN Group was one of the suggested outcomes of this review, the two institutions had already begun working more closely together, after the Boards of Governors recognised the advantages of operating as a single organisation.

Principal and Chief Executive at Dearne Valley College, Martin Harrison said: After some in-depth discussions about the opportunities and challenges we may face in the future, we are delighted to put forward a proposal for Dearne Valley College and the RNN Group to merge, offering an even stronger provision of high-quality and effective training, courses and apprenticeships for school leavers, higher education students, adult learners and businesses. It will also enable us to invest further in our students with additional resources and facilities. Students who are already enrolled with us at Dearne Valley College would not be affected by the merger, and all existing courses would continue to be taught at our Manvers campus.

Chief Executive at the RNN Group, John Connolly added: “By pooling our resources, the knowledge of our industry-experienced staff and employer links, we can offer a breadth of provision to ensure students are reaching their career aspirations and contributing to the economy and local community. The proposed merger between two Ofsted ‘Good’ organisations will place us in a strong position for the future.”

The merger process is currently under consultation, and those wishing to provide feedback on the proposed merger can do so by visiting the Colleges’ websites at or, or alternatively by attending the consultation meetings, with further information available on the Colleges’ websites.

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Tuesday 27 September 2016

Fundraising students pay tribute to Jake

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 27, 2016 10:02:47 AM

Barnsley College students have raised almost £2,000 for two excellent causes in memory of local boy Jake Croft.

Four-year-old Jake, from Grimethorpe, passed away in October 2014 after being diagnosed with advanced neuroblastoma, a rare form of aggressive cancer.

Students studying Health Sciences and Social Care Professions courses at the college donated £1548.43 to the Leukaemia and Oncology Research and Haematology and Oncology departments at Sheffield Children’s Hospital where Jake was treated.

The students also collected over £300 which was spent on a remembrance bench for Jake at Milefield Primary School where he was a pupil.

The students organised a wide range of events to raise the funds including sponsored walks, sponge throwing, fancy dress, selling flowers, ‘no make-up’ and ‘wear your pyjamas to college’ days and placed collection buckets in workplaces, pubs and cafés.

Jake’s mother Claire, a former Barnsley College student, said: “I would like to thank the staff and students at the college for the thoughtful efforts they made in raising funds for Jake’s remembrance bench and the substantial donation they made to Sheffield Children's Hospital. Their selfless act in raising funds in memory of Jake has renewed hope and faith in people and they will always be in our thoughts.”

Cheryl Davidson, Community Fundraiser at The Children’s Hospital Charity, added: “It is truly inspiring to see Barnsley College students supporting Claire through this difficult time while also raising money in memory of Jake. The money raised will make such a difference to the lives of so many children and young people from across the county and The Children’s Hospital Charity wouldn’t be able to continue working to make Sheffield Children’s Hospital better without this kind of support.”

Notes to editors:

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Goldthorpe’s new primary school sets high standards

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 27, 2016 09:52:26 AM

Goldthorpe’s striking new primary school, delivered by Robertson Yorkshire and East Midlands and funded by Barnsley Council, opened its doors for the first time on Tuesday 6 September, one year since work began.

Located off Doncaster Road in Goldthorpe town centre, the new landmark building accommodates 310 pupils in a modern, bright and spacious design with strong flashes of colour on the exterior of the building. Inside is an oasis of calm, with a gentle neutral contemporary colour scheme, bright accents of colour and mood lighting that create a warm and nurturing environment. The modern learning environment has classrooms which can be opened up entirely to the outside for outdoor lessons and activities.

The unique design for the school was developed through a partnership approach between Barnsley Council, Robertson, NPS Barnsley and the school. Head teacher Sarah Fields and her staff have been actively involved throughout the design process and worked hard to ensure the homely feel of the old school was carried forward into the new building.

Councillor Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place said: “The new school is a valuable addition to Goldthorpe and a striking gateway building for the town. It is proof of the strong working relationship between the project team, school and local community. I’m sure it will prove to be a shining example of early year’s education, not just in Barnsley but for the rest of the UK.”

Throughout the construction site foreman Gordon Fawcet has been a regular visitor for the staff and students of the school. He has led on assemblies, teaching them about structures and organised a school trip to the steel fabricators, so the children could witness at first hand the steel structures for the school being made. The children have had regular visits to the site of the new school to view its progress. In the spring they planted saplings for Earth Day so they could start to take ownership of their new school before starting there in September.

During the twelve month construction period Robertson has exceeded all of their community engagement targets, achieving an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the Considerate Constructors scheme. It is an Eco-friendly school, achieving BREAM Very Good, which takes account of how sustainable the building is. It has a bio mass boiler and solar panels for the heating and hot water, and a state of the art building management system controls the temperature and lighting. The results are a modern and stylish school that Goldthorpe residents can be extremely proud of.

Robertson ensured local labour and supplies were used as much as possible throughout the build and have had seven work placements from Barnsley Community Build. They also measured how much their staff spent in Goldthorpe’s local shops for lunch, averaging around £9,000 a month for the local economy. The sub-contractors on site also donated food for the schools breakfast club.

Paul Turner, Regional Managing Director for Yorkshire and East Midlands at Robertson, said: “We believe we have delivered an outstanding new school that the Goldthorpe community can embrace for years to come. We’ve had the pleasure of working closely with local leaders, school children and staff to set a new benchmark of how we engage with the communities close to our construction projects. We wish the whole school all the very best in their new home.”

An official opening ceremony took place on Tuesday 20 Sept and included a special assembly for the pupils with special guests Ian Macmillan, Poet Laureate for Barnsley, and cartoonist Tony Husband.

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Did you witness Bennetthorpe assault?

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 27, 2016 09:24:31 AM

Police in Doncaster want to hear from you if you witnessed a reported assault of a 20-year-old man in the Bennetthorpe area last week.

At around 10am on Thursday 22 September, it is reported that the 20-year-old man was assaulted by an unknown man near to the bus stop at the junction with Danum Road.

The victim was allegedly punched several times in the face before the unknown man ran from the scene. The 20-year-old suffered serious facial injuries that required hospital treatment.

The suspect is described as being around 6ft tall, of stocky build, and was reportedly wearing a light grey fishing hat.

A 26-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault and has been bailed pending further enquiries.

Were you in the area that morning? Did you see the assault?

Please call 101 or email quoting incident number 328 of 22 September 2016.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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Rotherham Robber Appears Before Magistrates

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 27, 2016 09:16:40 AM

A 16-year-old boy who robbed two teenagers of their mobile phones has been sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders institution. The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was brought before magistrates after two robberies in Rotherham town centre last autumn.

Rotherham Magistrates court heard how one of the victims, a 17-year-old boy, had his Samsung phone stolen after being punched in the stomach as he walked through the car park of Tesco Extra, near to St Anne’s Roundabout, at about 5:30pm on Sunday 27 September. The second victim, a 17-year-old boy, had his Samsung mobile taken while walking along Boswell Street on Tuesday 17 November.

Magistrates instructed the boy to pay a £380 surcharge to his victims.

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Police dog wins award at regional competition

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 27, 2016 09:00:32 AM

Winning award Police dog Evo and his handler PC Adrian Noble have stolen the show yet again by adding another trophy to their collection after they were awarded overall winners at the Fireside K9 police dog competition in Leeds.

Evo, a four-year old Malinois, and PC Noble represented South Yorkshire and Humberside Police’s Joint Specialist Operations department at the competition hosted by West Yorkshire Police at Temple Newsam House earlier this month.

The duo claimed first prize in the criminal work category, second in the obedience category and were named as the overall winners of the competition.

This award is one in a long line of accomplishments they have achieved this year, being awarded regional champion, third place in the 56th National Police dog trials in May in Belfast, and winner of the service dog of the year trial in July at the British Police and Services Canine Association (BPSCA) 25th service dog trials in Birmingham, as well as scooping third place in the property search category.

This success represents the hard work, commitment and outstanding skills and ability of the dogs working for both forces.

PC Noble said: “Evo is a credit to both the force and me and I am extremely proud of the successes he has achieved in these competitions and career so far.

“The skill and expertise Evo has demonstrated in these competitions comes from the work he does operationally when on duty. This involves working alongside officers to track criminals and search for suspects amongst other things.

“All of these accomplishments highlight his skill, expertise and the high stand of police dogs across both forces.

“I’m honoured to have Evo as my partner and hope to win many more trials and competitions.”

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Friday 23 September 2016

Messy fun at the Museum

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 23, 2016 10:17:45 AM

Little ones can get their hands dirty at a special “messy play” session at Clifton Park Museum next month.

The toddler event, suitable for one – three year olds, takes place on Tuesday 4 October.

Parents and carers can bring their tiny tots along any time between 10.30 am and 2.30 pm for this drop in session, there is no need to book.

There will be paint, play dough, water and sand to play with – so please make sure your toddlers are wearing clothes you don’t mind getting messy!

The event costs £2.50 per child. For more information, contact the Museum.

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Cash appeal for looked after children's trip of a lifetime

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 23, 2016 10:01:26 AM

The Looked After Children's Council fundraise for their trip to Poland.

Chief executives, councillors and local Rotherham leaders have paired up with the town’s looked after children in a bid to boost their dream to get to Poland.

The 14-strong Looked After Children’s Council (LACC) have set their hearts on being able to travel to Poland in order to fulfil the dream of one of their group – Simon.

Three years ago 16-year-old Simon hit rock bottom after his Polish heritage father died.

Devastated, the youngster – who is currently in foster care - vowed he would one day return to his father’s homeland with the aim of understanding his heritage. However, getting there seemed an impossible dream.

That was until Councillor Brian Steele and Ian Thomas, Strategic Director of Children’s Services at the Council, heard of his plight and said they would do something to make his dream come true. This vision was backed by Chief Executive Sharon Kemp and senior leaders across the Rotherham Together Partnership, who also pledged their support to raise the finances to not only send Simon to Poland, but also all of the rest of the Looked After Children’s Council (LACC), which Simon is part of.

And this weekend Ian and Councillor Steele led a ten mile walk around Thrybergh Country Park alongside the LACC while Sharon and key partners of Rotherham Together Partnership last week ran a marathon at Herringthorpe Stadium. Sponsorship from all who took part is starting to trickle in – with the total raised so far at £1,600 – but more cash still needs to be raised in order to meet the £9,000 target.

More events are planned in the next few months but anyone can still donate using the JustGiving crowdfunding link below.

Cllr Steele, who took part in the sponsored walk, said: “It is great to see the money raised so far, and that is testament to the generosity of Rotherham people. These children have had a hard enough beginning to their life, but something like the experience of this trip could make all the difference to their futures.”

Other people have also pledged their support, including Young Inspectors chair Ashlea Harvey, who has held a bake sale and also organised an exercise bike to be installed in the entrance of the Council’s Riverside building for a continuous sponsored cycle. Staff members across the Council will be taking part with the aim to tot up the distance to Poland from Rotherham – 1,180 miles.

Simon said: “I am just so grateful to all the people who want to raise this money to send us all to Poland. I miss my Dad so much and to be able to visit the place where he was from and what made him the person he was is a dream of a lifetime for me. Thank you to everyone who has already pledged their support and please, please get behind this good cause and help us all to live my dream. I know this will have a tremendous effect on me and my peers, if we get to go.”

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Police and market traders join forces in Doncaster town centre

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 23, 2016 09:23:31 AM

Doncaster Police and market traders’ work together to disperse street drinkers and beggars from the market place.

Street drinkers and beggars have been congregating in the local market place, causing problems for traders and discouraging the local community from visiting market stalls.

To tackle the problem police officers and market traders have been working closely together to disperse individuals for begging and related ASBOs. The close working partnership between officers and traders has led to individuals been removed from the area, creating a safer and thriving market place once more.

The continued work and dedication of officers has been highly appreciated by local market traders. One trader who worked in partnership said: “We have been working closely with local police to good effect and the markets are safe for shoppers.”

Another local trader said: “A definite difference can definitely been seen in the market area and things are now much better”

Special thanks and praise was also given to PC Vicky Lister for her efforts and help in the area.

South Yorkshire Police work hard to deal with begging issues across all of our districts and Chief Inspector Lydia Lynskey said: “The force takes a multi-faceted approach when dealing with beggars and looks at each case individually.

“Specifically identifying each case allows a tailored response to be established. This can range from working with our partners to provide specialist help and advice to issuing a dispersal notice and exploring prosecution opportunities.

“Taking this approach allows the force to understand the causation of begging and put prevention plans in place.

If you would like to find out more about the partnerships we work with or if you would like any help please visit our website

For further information or if you would like to report any concerns of street drinkers or beggars in your area, please do not hesitate to contact 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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Community order for sexual offences against two girls

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 23, 2016 08:41:11 AM

A Rotherham man has been given a community order for sexual offences against two girls.

Callum Worsley, 20, previously of Oates Avenue, Rawmarsh, admitted two counts of engaging in sexual activity with two girls under the age of 16.

Police arrested and charged Worsley in February this year. He appeared at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday (16 September) and pleaded guilty. He received a three-year community order, 100 hours community service and a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Sergeant Jamie Henderson said: “These convictions relate to two separate young girls. This prosecution demonstrates South Yorkshire Police’s commitment to tackling child sexual exploitation.

“This remains a priority for us and, where we suspect child sexual exploitation, we will work to stop it by a number of means. Callum Worsley targeted these younger girls for his own sexual gratification. He has spent a considerable time on remand and as part of his sentence, he has been given a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order, which will prohibit his contact with under 16s.”

Child sexual exploitation in Rotherham is now investigated by experienced and highly-trained detectives who sit within the specialist multi-agency Child sexual exploitation Evolve Team.

DS Henderson added: “We have heavily invested in staff and are now in a stronger position to identify, prevent, disrupt and prosecute in relation to child sexual exploitation.

“There might be people reading this today who are being abused, who have been abused in the past or are relatives concerned for a family member. If this is the case, then please pick up the phone and call us on 101. If you don’t want to speak to police, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

You can also call or text the national child sexual exploitation helpline Say Something on 116 000.

Please remember that victims of sexual offences are granted anonymity for life under the Sexual Offences Act. If you identify a victim of a sexual offence, or publish information that could lead to the identification of a victim of a sexual offence, you could face prosecution.

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Tuesday 20 September 2016

Heritage Trust patrons announced - Barnsley

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 19, 2016 12:40:16 PM

Barnsley Museums Heritage Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Mel Dyke and Joann Fletcher as honorary patrons of the charity.

Mel Dyke, a miner’s daughter, was born and lived in Barnsley her whole life. From her 1960’s Consumer Association involvement she taught in local schools for 27 years, often using mining themes and local high achievers to help raise aspiration until being invited to join the PGCE Staff at Bretton Hall College of Higher Education and following its closure at the University of Leeds, Emory University Georgia and UCLA. She now works as an independent writing and educational professional. Mel coordinated a number of local history titles written in local schools, perhaps most notably ‘The Bus to Barnsley Market’ and ‘Energy is Coal’. Her latest publication ‘Grimethorpe Revivial: Famous faces support a coalfield community’, covers the effect of pit closures on the Grimethorpe community in the early 1990’s, following on from her books ‘All of Barnsley’ and ‘Barnsley & Beyond’.

Joann Fletcher is an Egyptologist and professor in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York. She was also recently awarded the Freedom of the Borough of Barnsley, and works closely with Barnsley Museums. She is a world authority on Egypt’s female pharaohs Cleopatra and Nefertiti, has published nine books and made numerous television appearances, in 2012 winning a BAFTA and most recently writing and presenting the series 'Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher' on BBC 2 (for which the Radio Times dubbed her 'Barnsley's Cleopatra').

Both are passionate about Barnsley, which they regularly promote and are advocates of the town’s museums and galleries.

Mel Dyke said: “I am extremely proud to accept this honour, which I do on behalf of everyone who has contributed in any way to Barnsley’s excellent museum service.”

Joann Fletcher said “It’s such a great honour to be asked to be an Honorary Patron of such a fantastic organisation which does such great work for the town. I'll do all I can to live up to it”

Margot Walker, from the Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust board said: “We are delighted to announce the appointment of Mel Dyke and Joann Fletcher as honorary patrons of the Barnsley Museums Heritage Trust charity. Both were born and bred in the borough and are passionate about supporting their home town and the great work of the museum service.”

For more information about the trust and how people can show their support please visit

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Caution - Rotherham threat to fine evaders

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 19, 2016 11:59:05 AM

Published on Monday, 19th September 2016 in Parking news

People who are persistently evading parking fines with unregistered vehicles could see their vehicles towed away in a new crackdown.

As well as targeting the owners of these unregistered vehicles, Rotherham Council will be taking action against drivers who have parked dangerously or are causing obstructions.

The Council is currently investigating several vehicles which have no registered keeper and continue to be issued with penalty charge notices (PCNs).

The Council’s Parking Services Manager, Martin Beard, said that the situation can cause safety issues for other highway users, including pedestrians, as well as meaning that the Council’s normal debt recovery procedures cannot be implemented.

Because of this the Council’s Parking Service will be removing offending vehicles in an attempt to prevent further unsafe parking activities and to assist in the recovery of the debts.

“The Traffic Management Act* currently states that a vehicle is the subject of “persistent evader” status when there are three unpaid PCNs for which enquiries to DVLA have provided no registered keeper,” explained Martin.

“We will take action where there are found to be six outstanding PCNs and remove the offending vehicle to a pound. The vehicle can be released upon payment of the release fee (currently set at £105.00 by legislation), storage costs plus payment for the PCN.”

He added that before release the keeper must provide photographic identity plus proof of address to enable the recovery of any outstanding parking debt.

Parking Services will also be removing any parked vehicles that are causing a hazard to other highway users, including pedestrians. If a vehicle is contravening a restriction, for example a double yellow line and it is causing a hazard, obstruction or congestion it may be immediately issued with a PCN and removed to a pound.

Councillor Denise Lelliott, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, welcomed the initiative. She said: “It is not acceptable for a minority of drivers to break the law by not registering vehicles with DVLA or deliberately registering incorrect details. We intend to tackle this problem with appropriate, lawful action and hopefully the message will get through that we will not accept this type of activity.”

* The Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004 legislates for councils to act against multiple PCN evaders by immobilising or removing the vehicle in an attempt to obtain the identity of the vehicle keeper.

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Residents advised to be gas safe

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 19, 2016 11:59:05 AM

Rotherham Council will show their support for Gas Safety Week – 19 to 25 September - with a stall to promote gas safety awareness at the Effingham Street market on Tuesday 20 September.

The stall will see Council staff, in partnership with gas contractor Willmott Dixon, explaining to tenants and the public about why it is vital that people make sure their gas appliances are safety checked every year by a registered engineer.

Council tenants will also be reminded how important it is to keep gas safety check appointments with Willmott Dixon staff.

The Council has estimated the cost of access to properties being denied - despite letters and text messages notifying tenants of the appointment weeks in advance - as over £285,000 each year.

This is enough to pay for 96 kitchen upgrades, 159 bathroom upgrades, 63 full heating upgrades or 72 full rewires that the Council could undertake at properties.

Councillor Dominic Beck, Cabinet Member for Housing, said, “We appreciate many people have busy lives but it’s very important that tenants make a note of and keep appointments and give access to Willmott Dixon engineers on our behalf.

“This allows engineers to make the necessary gas checks to keep your home safe and give you and your family peace of mind that your gas appliances are safe."

Tenants who want to change their appointment time can do so by calling the Council on the number below.

This sixth annual Gas Safety Week will see organisations across the UK working together to raise awareness of the dangers of poorly maintained gas appliances, which cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning for all residents, whether they rent or own their home.

In the last year, at least 68,000 homes in the UK escaped deadly gas incidents by engineers switching off dangerous appliances. Almost half of these incidents were caused because a gas appliance had not been regularly serviced and had been left in a poor state.

With 20 deaths and 1,000 gas-related injuries in the last three years, it’s vital that people make sure their gas appliances are safety checked every year by a registered engineer. Anyone working on gas appliances while not being Gas Safe registered, is working illegally.

Jonathan Samuel, chief executive for Gas Safe Register, said: “We know from our own investigations that one in six gas appliances in the UK are unsafe, meaning far too many people are victims of preventable gas related incidents.

“It’s great to have the support of Rotherham Council this Gas Safety Week so that we can work together to raise public awareness of gas safety and reduce the number of dangerous gas appliances lurking in the homes of the UK’s 23 million gas consumers.”

Follow these three simple top tips to stay gas safe:

Get all of your gas appliances safety checked once a year by a registered engineer and sign up to a free reminder service online

Make sure your engineer is legal and safe, by making sure they are registered with Gas Safe Register, the UK’s official gas authority

Check for warning signs your appliances aren’t working correctly, such as a lazy yellow flame instead of a crisp blue one, black marks on or around the appliance and too much condensation in the room

Call RMBC: 01709 538811

Free reminder service:

Enginner safety check:

[catlist name=Latest News]

Helping smokers to quit

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 19, 2016 11:59:05 AM

The Rotherham Tobacco Alliance has re-launched to welcome new members and re-visit its priorities with the aim to achieve the national vision of creating a 'Smokefree generation by 2025'.

In addition to the Council, NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and Yorkshire Smoke Free, new members include South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and Voluntary Action Rotherham.

The strengthened Alliance aims to provide a refreshed approach to how all members tackle the impact of smoking across the borough by tapping into joint resources.

As part of the re-launch, the Alliance has created three themes: 'Prevent, Reduce, Quit' to enable Alliance members align their tobacco control strategies under these key themes so that there is a common framework to inform, engage and involve, more Rotherham people to live healthier, longer, smoke free lives.

Cabinet Member for Public Health, Cllr David Roche and the Chair of the Rotherham Tobacco Alliance and Rotherham Health and Wellbeing board said: "Improving people's quality of life and health is a key priority for us. I am therefore really pleased that a number of major partners have come together to re-launch the Alliance.

“One of our aims is to work more closely together to encourage people to quit smoking and support those that make that choice."

Regionally, Yorkshire and the Humber reported the highest proportion of successful quitters (56%).1 With Rotherham achieving 3199 quitters for 2014/15 against the England average of 2829.2 The Alliance aims to build on and continue this trend.

Although Rotherham has seen a major shift with low smoking rates in Rotherham; now only 18.1% adults smoke, smoking still remains as the major cause of preventable death and harms not just smokers but the people around them, through the damaging effects of second hand smoke.

Smoking is an addiction that takes hold largely in childhood and adolescence, with the vast majority of smokers starting to use tobacco regularly before the age of 18.

Dr Julie Kitlowski, Chair at NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: "We are keen to work together with all our partners to continue to improve the health of Rotherham people. Our three main causes of death are circulatory, respiratory and cancer. Smoking is a major factor contributing to the development of these three conditions. Helping people to stop smoking is the most important thing that we can do together to help our people live longer healthier lives."

"One action we are taking is that we are looking at encouraging our own staff not to smoke, as one of the many ways to improve their own health as part of our healthy workforce initiative."

In addition, Manager of Yorkshire Smokefree, Simon Lister said: "I think it's about changing culture within organisations from 'this is not my problem', to 'yes it is'. Changing organisational culture isn't always an easy thing, however with this renewed focus we can reach more people, measure the impact of our actions and drive engagement with smokers."

Further info on quitting:

Visit Yorkshire Smokefree NHS:

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Sheffield man dies

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 19, 2016 11:52:16 AM

A 28-year-old man who was found with serious head injuries in Sheffield City Centre in June has died in hospital.

Harrison Watkinson was discovered at the bottom of concrete stairs leading off Fitzalan Square and down towards Pond Street, at around 1.20pm on Monday 6 June.

He was immediately taken to hospital where he remained critically ill for a number of months, passing away on Saturday, 10 September.

A post-mortem examination this week concluded the cause of death was a head injury.

Officers are continuing to investigate the incident and at this time are treating his death as unexplained.

DC Michelle Walton said: “We have made various enquiries, followed up several leads and have spoken to a number of witnesses in an attempt to ascertain the exact circumstances of the incident.

“I would still urge anyone who remembers being in the area at the time, to please come forward, even if you don’t believe you have any information, or you think the details you have may not be useful, it could prove to be vital to our investigation.”

An 18-year-old man arrested on suspicion of assault two days after the incident has been released from the investigation.

Please call 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting incident number 128 of 7 June 2016.

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Friday 16 September 2016

Restoration work at Barnsley Town Hall

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 10:46:03 AM

Improvement works around Barnsley Town Hall and Barnsley War Memorial start on Monday 19 September for up to four weeks.

The work will include laying new paving, refurbishment and repainting of the posts and chain fencing, installing new fencing to the boundary walls and restoration repairs to the Yorkstone steps.

To enable the works to be carried out safely around the Barnsley War Memorial area, the footway along Church Street (in front of the memorial) and the permit holders bay will be closed for the duration of the works. Access will be made available on Church Street between the memorial and Sadler Gate to allow people to view the artwork that commemorates the Battle of the Somme.

Artwork on the sides of the war memorial will be temporarily removed until the works are completed.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place said: “Barnsley Town Hall and the war memorial form a major part of Barnsley’s identity so it is important to keep the area in good condition for the thousands of visitors that come each year.”

The work will be carried out by Barnsley Council’s Highways Construction team.

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Marathon man raises money for Rotherham school

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 10:27:39 AM

Go-getting grandad raises funds for Rotherham School.

An intrepid 75 year old Rotherham man has taken up the impressive challenge of 75 consecutive marathons to raise funds for a community special school in the south yorkshire town.

Go-getting grandad Ray Matthews has now completed his 75 marathons with the aim to raise £75,000 for Newman School in Rotherham after being inspired by the children and staff at the school.

Newman School in Whiston, Rotherham, is a community special school which offers a specialist range of provision to support children and young people with physical disabilities, medical needs and complex learning needs. Ray is running the marathon to provide the school with new outdoor interactive and educational equipment for the children.

Ray has run throughout south yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, as well as completing two marathons in France including in Rotherham’s twin town, St Quentin in France. He ended his 75 marathon at Newman School, welcomed by dozens of children who have been following his progress since day one.

Julie Mott, Headteacher at Newman School in Whiston said: “We are delighted that Ray has chosen to fundraise for our school, the money raised will go such a long way here. The children and staff are honoured that he has gone to such lengths to help us provide an environment which suits the needs of our pupils who have a range of physical disabilities, medical needs and complex learning needs.

“The school’s outdoor facilities are satisfactory, but this money will provide us with an opportunity to give the children and young people a real chance to play like many other children do in a standard playground, with a variety of equipment that is appropriate for their needs.

“Hopefully with the funds we will be able to provide wheelchair swings and roundabouts, climbing frames and even a decorated path into our woodland at the front of the school which we can use to teach pupils about the environment and wildlife as part of their curriculum.”

On finishing his 75th Marathon, Ray said: "It has been tough at times to do 75 marathons in 75 days, but I've done what I said I'd do.

“I don’t actually want it to be over, but what I can continue to do is keep encouraging people to donate and help me reach my £75,0000 target to give the children and young people equipment they can enjoy.”

Cllr Taiba Yasseen, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Cultural Services joined the school in welcoming him onto the field for his last run. She said: “I am in awe of Ray’s achievement and seeing him finish his 75th marathon welcomed by dozens of people really hit home that his efforts are not only having a positive effect on school pupils but he’s also been able to bring communities together across the borough. He’s an inspiration.”

The grand total of Ray’s fundraising efforts will be announced in due course, you can follow his news and donate online.

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Officers travel to Kos in Ben Needham investigation

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 10:16:06 AM

Missing toddler Ben Needham may have been crushed to death by a digger, campaigners searching for him have been told.

Ben, from Sheffield, was 21 months old when he disappeared on the Greek island of Kos on 24 July 1991.

South Yorkshire Police Officers will be travelling to Kos in the coming weeks to follow up new lines of enquiry as part of the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of Ben Needham on the island 25-years ago.

A direct, Greek media appeal made by officers in May this year on Kos, prompted new information and lines of enquiry, which have been explored and investigated over the last three months.

Working with the Greek Authorities, officers are now in a position to travel back to the island and commence ‘digs’ at two sites close to where Ben was last seen on 24 July 1991.

Detective Superintendent Matt Fenwick leading the investigation said: “There will be planned operational activity at two locations on the island that have been identified as areas of interest to the investigation.

“We continue to keep an open mind and have updated Ben’s family about certain lines of enquiry we’re currently exploring.

“A dedicated policing team continues to work extremely hard to find answers for his family and keep them fully informed and supported throughout the investigation.”

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World Alzheimer’s Month

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 10:08:54 AM

To tie in with World Alzheimer’s Month throughout September, officers are reminding relatives and carers of people with Alzheimer’s that the Herbert Protocol is available.

With the aim of protecting vulnerable adults with Alzheimer’s should they ever go missing, the Herbert Protocol gives officers access to vital information quickly.

Chief Inspector Jakki Hardy, said: “When a person is reported missing, those initial few hours are absolutely crucial in our work towards bringing them home safe.

“If someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia is reported missing, the Protocol, which is essentially a form completed by the person themselves, friends or family, allows us to access incredibly important information about that person.

“This includes the person’s medical status, mobility, daily routines, places of interest and access to transport, which can prove incredibly helpful when looking for a missing person.

“This in turn will hopefully reduce the amount of time they are away from their loved ones.”

The Herbert Protocol was originally developed in Norfolk and was named after a former soldier who had Alzheimer’s.

CI Hardy continued: “The Protocol is another useful tool we can use alongside our existing procedures and safeguarding measures when someone is reported missing.

“It’s an incredibly worrying time for anyone when a family member or friend is reported missing, especially so when that person is vulnerable due to illness.

“The sheet helps to form part of our search plan and can save us valuable time in helping to find that person as it can help us to ascertain where they might be, or how they might get there for example.

“Police will only ever ask to see the form if that person is reported missing and obviously we hope never to have to use it. However, if you have a friend or a relative with Alzheimer’s or dementia, I’d urge you to look at completing the form, should they ever go missing.”

To find out more about the Herbert Protocol and to download the form, please visit

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Thursday 15 September 2016

Memories Of Wath-upon-Dearne




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Parent Information Evening at Barnsley College

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 09:37:33 AM

Parents and carers of Year 11 school pupils will have the opportunity to find out more about the study programmes available at Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College at a Parent Information Evening on Thursday 22 September between 6.00pm and 8.00pm.

Choosing the right career pathway at the age of 16 can be a daunting task and the aim of the event is to equip parents with information about what is available so that they are able to support their child in making this important decision.

Barnsley College offers study programmes in over 100 subjects and parents will have the opportunity to chat to tutors and visit a range of talks on vocational programmes, A Levels and Apprenticeships.

Barnsley College Principal, Christopher Webb, said: “We understand the important role that parents and carers play in the decision making process when their child is thinking about what to do after they leave school. This event is a great opportunity for parents to come along and find out more about what is available at Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College so that they can help their child make an informed decision about what to do next.”

The event is aimed specifically at parents or carers of Year 11 school pupils. There will be a further opportunity for potential students to visit the college with their parents at our forthcoming Open Events on Wednesday 12 October and Saturday 19 November.

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Poems in the Pub

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 09:30:59 AM

A series of poetry workshops will be taking place at the Arcade Alehouse to celebrate Barnsley’s, Hear My Voice Project.

The project encourages the people of the borough to dig deep into their imaginations and express themselves through poetry, written and spoken word.

The free events will take place at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month, between October and January. The first one is taking place on Thursday 6 October.

People are invited to come along to these light-hearted lyrical events where they will be able to hear the work of a different poet, have the opportunity to create their own piece of poetry, while enjoying a tipple in Barnsley’s newest micro-brewery.

Taking part are; Brian Lewis, a local foundry worker, teacher, lecturer, art critic and writer. Suzannah Evans, whose accolades include winner of the 2011 Poetry Business Book and Pamphlet Competition and 2013 Northern Writers’ Award. Steve Ely Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Huddersfield where he is Director of the newly formed Ted Hughes Network and rising star Helen Mort who was shortlisted for the Costa Prize & the T.S. Eliot Prize and in 2014 won the Fenton Aldeburgh Prize.

Councillor Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: “Coming along to the ‘Poems in the Pub’ events are a great way to find out more about the Hear My Voice project. It is also a unique opportunity to hear work by award winning poets in the relaxed and informal setting of Barnsley’s newest micro-brewery.”

All events are over 18 only and for more details please email

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Restoration of Hemingfield Colliery winding engine house

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 09:14:59 AM

Two years after acquiring the site, the Friends of Hemingfield Colliery (FOHC) are delighted to announce that they have received the funding needed to reconstruct the roof of the historically important 1846 vertical winding engine house.

Allocation of funds from the Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership (DVLP), The Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA) and Subterranea Britannica (SUBBRIT) means that the vital work can now be completed.

Funding will ensure that the building is made safe and weatherproof, enabling volunteers to work safely inside it and visitors to access it. It also protects the two winding engines contained in the building from the elements and work on their conservation and restoration can commence. FOHC are now planning for wider public access to this building.

This stone built vertical winding engine house, constructed in around 1846 is understood to be the only example from the UK coal industry still in its original location. Its survival is unusual given the previous approach to demolishing end of life colliery buildings and structures.

Since the site was last regularly occupied (c1985) the roof, as with the other site structures, has deteriorated. Alarming gaps have become evident over the past 18 months which have prompted efforts to fund reconstruction of the roof.

With the funding now in place, it is now hoped work can begin shortly and will take approximately 12 weeks.

The FOHC was established in 2014 with the aiming of protecting the site. Since then through volunteers work days they have cleared many parts of the site, researched the history and prepared for the refurbishment works.

Steve Grudgings, Chair of FOHC said: “As a group of dedicated volunteers we’re delighted that we’re now in a position where we can carry out significant building work that will protect the building and help us move forward with the next phase of the work. The support of the Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership, Association for Industrial Archaeology and Subterranea Britannica are all very welcome and are vital in helping secure the future of the site.”

Councillor Roy Miller, Cabinet spokesperson for Place, said: “The Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership has been working with the Friends of Hemingfield Colliery since before they bought the site in order to protect it. Their hard work and dedication not only clearing the site but developing plans for the site is now paying off. We’re really pleased the DVLP is able to support them and help them with their next phases of the protection of this important site.”

For more information about the project please visit

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Winter opening hours for local recycling centres

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 08:55:27 AM

Published on Tuesday, 13th September 2016 in Bins, rubbish and recycling news

Rotherham residents are reminded that their local waste sites will revert to winter opening hours next month.

From Saturday 1 October, 2016, the four Household Waste Recycling Centres run by Rotherham Council will be open six days a week from 10 am until 4 pm.

Please remember:

Magilla (North Anston) is closed every Tuesday

Car Hill (Greasbrough) is closed every Wednesday

Warren Vale (Rawmarsh) is closed every Thursday

Lidget Lane (Bramley) is closed every Friday

Householders are asked to assist in recycling by sorting out their waste prior to going to the centres.

Separate containers are provided at each of the centres for many different types of waste and attendants are available to offer guidance to ensure waste goes into the appropriate containers for recycling.

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War medals stolen in Doncaster burglary

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 08:43:46 AM

Police are asking for your help to find items of sentimental value, including two war medals, stolen from a burglary in Bessacarr.

Sometime between 4-5.30pm on Monday 29 August, offenders unknown have entered a house in Stoops Lane, via an unlocked back door.

They have then proceeded to steal a number of items of gold jewellery and a men’s gold pocket watch. The pocket watch belonged to the late Major Herbert Baker (pictured), M.B.E, M.C., M.S.M, T.D., who fought in World War I and the Boer War during his 42-year army career with the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry before retiring in 1930.

The watch is extremely distinctive as it bears the crest of the regiment (pictured) and is engraved with “Presented by the members of the 5th K.O.Y.L.I Ex-Officers Club to Major H Barker M.B.E, M.C, M.S.M, T.D.”

A General Service Medal for Malaya (pictured), engraved with DH Barker around the sides, was also stolen.

Officers want to hear from you if know anything about the incident or saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area at around that time.

Do you know who is responsible? Have you seen any of the stolen items for sale?

If you have any information, please call 101 and quote incident number 1161 of 29 August 2016.

You can also give information to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111.

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Another safe Leger festival

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 15, 2016 08:35:25 AM

Officers were out in force at Doncaster’s St. Leger festival again this year to ensure a safe event for all.

Over the course of the festival, crowds of over 65,000 attended, with 30,000 turning out on Saturday (10 September) alone.

Chief Inspector Adrian Brown had spent the previous six months planning the event, with the team being supported again by the HM Prison Service and two drugs dogs, Cooper a German Shepard, and yellow Labrador Mac.

Officers made a number of drug arrests during the festival and were out in force to keep people safe.

PCs Stuart Rowse and Steven Freestone Officers also saw a famous face in the crowds, John Challis, Only Fools and Horses’ Boyce, who had come along with Del Trotter’s famous Reliant Robin three-wheeler.

Kieran Gallagher, Executive Director and Mark Spincer, Group Operations Director for Arena Racing Company both paid tribute to police from all round South Yorkshire for doing a great job in making this year’s St Leger another fantastic, friendly and safe event for Doncaster.

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Monday 12 September 2016

Man dies following Warmsworth collision

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 11, 2016 10:03:09 AM

An 84-year-old man who was seriously injured in a collision in Doncaster has sadly died in hospital.

Robert John Ducker, from Doncaster, was left with life-threatening injuries during a collision on Sheffield Road on Thursday 8 September.

He was taken to hospital but died on Saturday 10 September. The family have asked for their privacy to be respected at this extremely difficult time.

At about 3.55pm on Thursday, a grey Mercedes LGV was travelling along the A630 towards Rotherham when it was involved in a collision with Mr Ducker, who was crossing the road.

Officers remain keen to hear from anyone who witnessed the collision, which happened close to the crossroads with Edlington Lane and Mill Lane.

Did you see what happened? Were you one of the drivers who stopped to help? If you have any information, please call 101 or email quoting incident number 749 of 8 September 2016.

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Sunday 11 September 2016

New £4.5 million factory in Barnsley

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 11, 2016 10:03:09 AM

Safestyle UK the country’s leading manufacturer and installer of uPVC windows and doors, has announced plans to expand its current premises in Barnsley to build a 6000 square metre factory.

The factory will be equipped with the latest technology including a new glass toughening furnace, automated glazing line, high speed cutting table and related cutting edge technology.

Planning permission for construction on land adjacent to its existing site has been secured and will allow Wakefield based Harris Construction Management Ltd to design and build the new £4.5million factory.

Safestyle’s current premises located on Valley Road in Wombwell are at capacity and offered no opportunity for further growth.

The additional space will provide the manufacturer with the opportunity for extensive growth in the future; with plans to more than double the output from its operations at the site with a total investment exceeding £9 million over the coming year and eventually lead to the creation of 145 new jobs.

Mark Scaife, Safestyle UK Operations Director said: “The extension to our factory will enable us to meet future demand. We reported record revenue and profits in 2015 as we further rolled out our business into the South and also experienced growth in the North and the Midlands, as homeowners were attracted to our improved branding and took advantage of affordable finance packages.”

Enterprising Barnsley the business development arm of Barnsley Council, worked with and supported Safestyle UK on its recruitment and training, as well as exploring how environmental technologies might benefit the firm.

Councillor Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place said:” We are delighted that a major plc company such as Safestyle UK has decided to reinvest in its existing site. This will create additional job opportunities for Barnsley. Private sector companies contribute to the economic success of the borough and are an essential part of our Jobs and Business Plan so this is fantastic news. We wish Safestyle UK all the best with its expansion.”

Between April and June this year 435 private sector jobs were created in Barnsley, with more than half of these linked to the continued growth of large companies supported By Enterprising Barnsley.

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Have you seen Danny?

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 11, 2016 09:34:12 AM

Officers are appealing to the public to please report any sightings of missing Rotherham man Danny Fellows as concerns are growing for his wellbeing.

Danny, 30, was last seen in the Canklow area of Rotherham at around 3pm yesterday afternoon (Friday, 9 September).

There has been no contact with Danny or any sightings of him since this time.

Danny has connections in the Rawmarsh area of Rotherham as well as in Barnsley.

Have you seen Danny? Please call police on 101 quoting incident number 64 of 10 September 2016.

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Friday 9 September 2016

Increased fines for flytipping to be introduced by RMBC

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 09, 2016 11:55:39 AM

Rotherham Council is stepping up its fight against fly-tippers in the borough, by bringing in new powers and higher fines.

Under new proposals – set to go before Cabinet on Monday - Rotherham Council plans to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to flytippers, avoiding the need to secure a criminal conviction with fines and penalties through the courts.

If approved, the changes will allow the Council to fine fly-tippers up to £400 without the need for a lengthy prosecution.

Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety Councillor Emma Hoddinott said the move would act as a disincentive to those who consider breaking the law and be an appropriate consequence for those who choose to do so.

“It is not acceptable for people to dump their waste in the street – it makes our borough look unsightly. We want to take swift action against those caught doing this, and we are stepping up our efforts to catch them.”

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Serious collision in Warmsworth, Doncaster

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 09, 2016 11:35:44 AM

Officers are asking witnesses to come forward after a pedestrian suffered life-threating injuries during a collision on Sheffield Road yesterday afternoon (Thursday 8 September).

At about 3.55pm a grey Mercedes LGV was travelling along the A630 towards Rotherham when it was involved in a collision with an 84-year-old man who was crossing the road.

The incident happened close to the crossroads with Edlington Lane and Mill Lane.

The man was taken to hospital where he currently remains in a life-threatening condition. The driver of the lorry was not injured.

Police are keen to speak to anyone who witnessed the collision and in particular the driver of a dark coloured vehicle who briefly stopped at the scene before driving off.

Did you see what happened? If you have any information that could assist officers with their enquiries, please call 101 or email quoting incident number 749 of 8 September 2016.

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Man charged in connection with theft of charity boxes

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 09, 2016 11:25:43 AM

Police in Sheffield have charged a man with ten counts of theft in connection with the theft of charity boxes across the city.

Lee Wragg, of no fixed address, was charged on Monday 5 September with ten counts of theft and two counts of burglary relating to incidents between 18 July and 5 September this year.

Wragg appeared at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (6 September), entering a guilty plea to all charges. He was remanded into custody and will next appear for sentencing at Sheffield Crown Court on 27 September.

The charges relate to the alleged theft of 14 charity boxes from 12 locations across Sheffield. The two burglary charges are also alleged to have occurred in Sheffield.

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Wednesday 7 September 2016

45RPM rocks into the Cooper Gallery

Yorkshire Photography

News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire September 07, 2016 03:47:22 PM

From Saturday, 3 September to Saturday, 29 October the Cooper Gallery will proudly display a stylish exhibition from Terry Brookes, the town’s first and only pop artist.

Visitors to the gallery will be greeted by exciting and bold works of art that will take them on a nostalgic ride, exploring more of Terry’s art and musical influences. As well as stunning paintings, 45RPM, will include music, fun, romance and plenty to make people tap their feet.

Terry is a software tester for a major high street bank by day and a very busy self-taught artist by night. Growing up in the 60s fuelled his imagination and gave him an early passion for art and music including David Hockney, Andy Warhol, Edward Hopper, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, The Doors, to name but a few. His love of music has never waned and his brightly coloured pop art reflects this. He loves to represent musical subcultures and include local landmarks in his quirky paintings, he also likes to give his paintings an unexpected humorous twist. He only paints things which he is fanatical about, and these are nearly always painted in muted acrylic acrylics with splashes of vibrant colour, which seem to give them a 3D effect. His art will make you reminisce and will certainly make you smile. Based in his home town of Barnsley, he is hugely proud of his Northern working class heritage, which is often reflected in his work.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: “45RPM is an exciting and fun exhibition. As ever the Cooper Gallery fully supports local artists and there is no better place to see Terry’s wonderful work than in his home town of Barnsley. Visitors will have a great time surrounded by sights and sounds of a bygone era.”

The free exhibition is open six days a week and further details can be found at

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