Monday 13 November 2017

Students experience life on the watch

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:13:58 PM

Barnsley College Public Services students visited Broadway Fire Station to gain an in-depth understanding of the Fire Service.

Students were given a tour of the fire station and a fire engine before observing a search and rescue training exercise. The group of students wore breathing apparatus and blindfolds to simulate thick smoke before having to locate a door where a casualty, a 50kg mannequin, needed saving.

The students were able to experience how the fire fighters and staff prepared themselves and the fire engine for an emergency situation after the station's alarm sounded for them to attend a real life incident.

Joe Field, 17, of Monk Bretton, Barnsley, said: "The fire station trip was very insightful and gave us a good sense of the day-to-day activities of a dynamic fire station. It was very interactive and fun, I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in the fire service."

Chris Pearson, Public Services tutor at Barnsley College, added: "It's good for the students to gain insights and experiences into the industry they have chosen to develop a career in. The group were able to ask for advice on careers available in the fire service."

For more information on our Public Services courses, visit or come along to the Open Day on Saturday 25 November, 11.00pm to 2.00pm.

Yorkshire Photography

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