Saturday 18 November 2017

Welcome of CSE sentencing in first Operation Stovewood case

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:53:19 AM

Council leaders have welcomed the first sentences handed out to criminals as part historic investigations into child sexual exploitation by the National Crime Agency.

Three men were yesterday found guilty of indecently assaulting a girl under the age of 14 following the first trial under Operation Stovewood.

Riaz Makhmood (39), Sajid Ali (38) and Zaheer Iqbal (39), all from Masbrough in Rotherham, were convicted of 15 charges against the victim who was twelve and thirteen at the time of the abuse, which took place in 1994 and 1995.

All three were arrested in July 2016 after the victim, who is now in her thirties, came forward to South Yorkshire Police. She explained how she and friends would be given alcohol and sexually assaulted in car parks or behind shops in Masbrough.

South Yorkshire Police passed the information to the National Crime Agency (NCA) for further investigation under Operation Stovewood and the men were convicted today at Sheffield Crown Court.

Makhmood was sentenced to six years and nine months and Ali and Iqbal were given seven and a half years each.

Welcoming the verdicts and sentencings, Rotherham Council Leader Cllr Chris Read said: “I am very pleased for the victim that these perpetrators have been convicted and given the sentences they deserve for what is a truly despicable crime. This should give further confidence to victims and survivors that they are being listened to and taken seriously.

“This is a very positive start for Operation Stovewood, and it sends out a clear message once again that if you have committed these crimes here in Rotherham you will be caught and you will be dealt with, no matter how long ago the crimes took place. There is no hiding place for people like you and as a partnership we will do everything we can to find you.”

Operation Stovewood Senior Investigating Officer Paul Williamson added: “This is the first trial under Operation Stovewood and we have only been able to get to this point as a result of the bravery of the victim to come forward and tell her story.

“Our investigations are complex in nature and scale and the commitment of officers – building trust and relationships with victims – should not be underestimated.

“It has been challenging to get to this point, but I have no doubt today’s conviction will give victims the confidence that they will be listened to, and that the individuals who exploited them in the worst imaginable way are finally held accountable for their actions.

“Working with South Yorkshire Police, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and the many other partners we are engaged with, we will not stop in our endeavours to get justice for the victims and survivors who have shown great courage and dignity in coming forward.”

Since 2014 when the NCA began Operation Stovewood, 28 individuals have been arrested and 21 have been charged with 94 child abuse and exploitation offences.

There are 36 separate investigations ongoing and 88 suspects have been identified so far. Officers are actively engaging with 239 victims and this number is expected to increase.

Operation Stovewood is investigating allegations of child sexual exploitation and abuse between 1997 and 2013. Under the Memorandum of Understanding with South Yorkshire Police, if there are allegations of abuse that fall outside of this time frame, but are linked to cases under investigation by the NCA, they will also be taken forward by the operational team.

Anyone who is concerned about the safety of a young person, or who may be suffering abuse themselves, is urged to seek help. Call police on 101 or the MASH Team (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 01709 336080. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

Yorkshire Photography

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Rotherham is geared up for winter!

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:37:10 AM

With the weather expected to become colder over the coming weeks Rotherham Council is reassuring residents that it is prepared for winter weather.

The winter salting programme carried out by the Council’s highways team ensures that over 300 miles of the borough’s busiest roads, including all main bus routes, are treated with salt in advance of any forecast ice or snow.

Ten priority routes are treated as a precautionary measure before forecast ice or snow occurs, which takes the gritting teams up to three hours to complete.

In the event of heavy snowfall, once traffic on the priority routes is flowing freely, all available resources are focused on community routes and estate roads across the borough.

Colin Knight, the Council’s Head of Service for Highways, said: “Once the priority routes are clear, we make every effort to respond to individual requests for assistance received from residents.

“As well as clearing the roads, we also have hand-salting teams on hand to clear snow and ice from areas where people are most at risk - such as near schools, sheltered housing and busier footways.

“In the event of severe snowfall, we’d urge motorists to only travel when it’s absolutely necessary. Our gritting crews need time to do their job - as well as space. If everyone is trying to drive when it starts to snow, then the spreaders and snowploughs cannot do their job properly.”

Over 5,000 tonnes of rock salt is currently stockpiled in the purpose-built salt barn at the Council's Hellaby depot. Even though 5,000 tonnes is more than enough to keep the town’s main routes moving for most of the winter, the salt level is monitored throughout the winter and, if needs be, restocking is carried out.

Ten state-of-the-art salting lorries, more commonly known as gritters, will be ready to deliver the salt to Rotherham’s roads, driven by a team of 40 City and Guilds qualified drivers who are on stand-by 24 hours a day, seven days a week between November and March.

The community can help when the worst weather hits by salting their own local area from over 370 recently-refilled salt bins which have placed at known trouble spots and steep locations. To assist the Council’s salting teams, volunteers and several Parish Councils will also be helping to clear snow in their communities.

Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety, Cllr Emma Hoddinott, said: “Our Love Where You Live programme welcomes volunteer litter pickers from the local community, but we are also on the lookout for snow wardens who can assist in their area with the spreading of salt when severe weather hits.

“We’ll provide all the equipment you need and the necessary training – just get in touch with us to sign up.”

To find out more about becoming a volunteer snow warden, visit the website.

Yorkshire Photography

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Body image a key pledge for Youth Cabinet in year ahead

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:29:34 AM

Members of Rotherham’s Youth Cabinet are urging other youngsters to be confident with their body image as part of a raft of measures they want to focus on in the year ahead.

The issue forms part of their Youth Cabinet manifesto, which they are launching at the Town Hall tonight at 5.00 pm.

They are planning to work with Rotherham partners, including health and Council leaders, to launch a conference for young people on this issue and also create a film to help educate people around body image.

“Body image is a huge issue for our generation, especially with the rise of social media,” said Toni Paxford, aged 18, from the Youth Cabinet. “Friends of mine have told me they have skipped meals or avoided going out with family and friends because they say they feel fat, which is just heart-breaking.

“We need young people to feel proud of whom they are, whatever shape, size or colour they are. They need to not feel judged by this, or by what they wear, by others. We are all born equal and people need to remember this as they grow up which is why we want to draw attention to this subject and help people feel better about themselves. That is why we feel it is important that we raise awareness of this issue.”

Other items the Youth Cabinet will be looking at in the year ahead include increasing opportunities for young people to take part in positive work experience, by highlighting where they can find good work experience and volunteering opportunities. They also want to increase opportunities for mental health first aid training which will help raise awareness of mental health, enabling people to support themselves and others to aid recovery.

They will continue to work with bus and transport companies and partnerships to address issues raised by young people in Rotherham and will support further roll out of the Child Friendly Borough initiative. Key to this initiative is making sure all young people feel their voices are heard and listened to.

Through the Child Friendly initiative the group aim to give a voice to the town’s young people and help them shape their community.

Cllr Gordon Watson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s services at Rotherham Council added: “It is great to see young people taking such a lead on these really important issues. The Youth Cabinet have done some great work over the last few years and reading their manifesto it is clear they want to continue to do even more great work in the year to come. I wish them every success for the year ahead.”

The Youth Cabinet will unveil its 2017/18 manifesto at the Town Hall to a gathering of guests.

Members of the Youth Cabinet are also celebrating after their youth worker Sarah Bellamy, who provides support for the group from the Council, won Youth Voice Worker of the Year at the last week’s British Youth Council national awards.

The group is also out to recruit new members and encourage more young people to have a say through the Your Voice initiative. For more information:

Yorkshire Photography

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Rotherham Doorman In Court

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:20:54 AM

Adam Phipps, 27, of Lyncroft Close at Brinsworth, was stopped on Hollowgate in Rotherham town centre at 1.55am on Saturday, 16 January 2016, by police who suspected him of driving under the influence of drink.

The doorman sped away in his white Mercedes E220 and negotiated a roundabout anti-clockwise, before officers apprehended him for a second time after he collided with an Audi A4 on Woodlands, Rotherham.

He appeared at Sheffield Crown Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to charges of dangerous driving, driving whilst unfit though drink or drugs and threatening behaviour.

Phipps was disqualified from driving for 15 months, ordered to take a re-test, told to carry out 200 hours community service and sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for two years.

Phipps was also fined £200. Arresting officer PC Luke Bugdol said: “It is rewarding to have brought this serious case before the court, as the consequences of Phipps’ irresponsible actions may have had dire consequences.

Thankfully the incident took place in the very early hours of the morning and there was little other traffic on the roads.”

Yorkshire Photography

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FGM protection orders granted to safeguard victims

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:20:54 AM

Detectives in Sheffield have been granted the right to issue two court protection orders to protect a woman and child from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Yesterday afternoon (Thursday 16 November), officers from the Child Abuse Investigation Unit attended Sheffield Family Court to apply for the right to issue two FGM protection orders to protect a victim and potential victim identified during an ongoing investigation. At the hearing, officers presented the details of the case before the judge who granted them the permission to serve the orders.

Under the orders granted, officers have been given the right to seize the passports of the victim and potential victim to protect them from FGM and prevent them from being taken out of the UK and into a situation where they could be at greater risk.

Deputy force lead for FGM, Detective Sergeant Suzanne Jackson has commented on the orders. She said: “The effectiveness of these orders, of which eight have now been granted, has enabled us to safeguard victims and potential victims, and further prevent the detrimental and devastating long-term effect they could and may have been subjected to.

“In this instance it was the commitment and dedication of DC Tom Bishop, who identified the risks they were exposed to, which enabled us to reach this point and effectively issue the orders. Through his efforts and continued perseverance, we have been able to take steps to protect, provide support and prevent additional harm from being caused.

“FGM is a serious offence that can cause both physical and psychological harm and it is our responsibility to work to prevent this. FGM is a harmful cultural practice that can often take place without a victims consent and our priority remains working with our partners to enforce the law, protect victims and raise awareness.”

If you would like to report anything, whether you are or know a victim or survivor, please contact police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

Advice and support about FGM and the new mandatory reporting regulations can also be found on our website or through your local health centre or third party organisation such as Ashiana.

Yorkshire Photography

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Jailed for sexually abusing young girl

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:07:24 AM

A 25-year-old man who sexually abused a young girl for over a year is today beginning a nine-year sentence behind bars.

Steven Fraser, of Perkyn Road, forced the girl to engage in sexual activity on numerous occasions between June 2015 and July 2016.

The girl, who was under 16 at the time the offences occurred, came forward to report the abuse last year, after she confided in her mum about what had been happening to her.

Fraser, who denied ever abusing the girl, was found guilty following a trial at Sheffield Crown Court last month. He was found guilty of:

- Four counts of rape of a child

- Four counts of engaging in penetrative activity with a child

- One count of assault by penetration

- One count of engaging in non-penetrative sexual activity with a child

He was back in court today (Thursday 16 November), where he was sentenced to nine years.

Detective Steve Evans and Civilian Investigator Amy Todd, said: “The victim in this case has shown incredible bravery, coming forward to speak to us after telling her mum what had been happening to her during that time.

“Fraser scared and intimidated her and as such she felt as though she had to comply with his atrocious demands.

“The victim has shown immense courage in giving evidence during the trial, which has ultimately resulted in Fraser receiving this substantial custodial sentence today.

“South Yorkshire Police wish to re-iterate that any report made regarding any sexual offences will be thoroughly investigated. Victim’s will be listened to and we will always do everything we can to ensure offenders are brought to justice and held accountable for these horrendous crimes.”

Please remember that victims of sexual offences are provided with lifelong anonymity by law and it is a criminal offence to name them.
Yorkshire Photography

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Two jailed for Barnsley burglaries

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:07:24 AM

A man and a woman have begun a combined total of eight years behind bars for two separate burglary offences.

Jane Hart, 44, of Wakefield Road, Athersley, appeared before Sheffield Crown Court on Monday 13 November, where she was jailed for five years for aggravated burglary.

One afternoon in September, Hart forced her way into the home of an elderly woman in Highcroft Drive, Athersley.

Carrying a tin opener, she threatened the woman before stealing a small amount of cash from her.

Daniel Wogan, 20, of Upper Forest Road, Athersley, appeared before Sheffield Crown Court last week, (Friday 10 November), where he was jailed for three years for one count of burglary.

In August, Wogan broke into a house in Eastfield Crescent, Mapplewell, by throwing bricks through a downstairs window.

He stole a number of electrical items and a small amount of cash.

Both Wogan and Hart pleaded guilty at earlier hearings.

Detective Inspector John Wheaton, for Barnsley, said: “Burglary is an extremely intrusive crime which can leave people feeling vulnerable and often scared to be in their own homes.

“No one should ever feel like this and our officers in Barnsley have been and continue to work hard to tackle burglaries across the borough, identify those involved and bring them before the courts.”

Yorkshire Photography

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Doncaster burglar behind bars

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:07:24 AM

Repeat burglary offender sentenced to three years in prison.

Colin Richardson, 30, of Millhouse Caravan Site, Askern, Doncaster, appeared before Sheffield Crown Court yesterday morning (Wednesday 15 November) sentenced to three years in prison for two counts of burglary.

Richardson, who pleaded guilty to the offences in October, was arrested and charged with the burglaries after forensic evidence left at the scene was used to link him to the crimes.

PC Joshua Heath who led the investigation explains: “Following reports Aphrodite Day Spa and The Honey Comb had both been broken into, investigations were launched into the incidents and officers began working to gathering evidence.”

In the early hours of Sunday 15 October, it was reported Aphrodite Day Spa, Station Road, Carcroft had been broken into and the till had been stolen. The following morning a further report was received stating sometime between late Saturday 14 October and 4am on Sunday 15 October, entry had been forced into The Honey Comb, Owston Road, Carcroft.

PC Heath continued: “On attending the scene of the crimes, specialist crime scene investigators were able to recover different pieces of forensic evidence. After analysing the evidence gathered Richardson was positively identified and arrested by officers.”

“Based on this evidence and subsequent information gathered from other enquiries, Richardson was later charged with two counts of burglary and remanded into custody.”

“I’m glad Richardson has now been brought to justice and I hope this result provides reassurance that we are committed to tackling burglary and will always work where possible, to bring offenders before the courts.”

Yorkshire Photography

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation boosted by energy firm

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 09:02:52 AM

An energy firm has boosted the work of the acclaimed Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation with a £1,029 donation.

The funds, raised by leading energy consultancy Effective Utilities, will help conservation projects run by the charity, based at the award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

The park, based at Branton, near Doncaster, is home to a unique collection of endangered species and its Foundation is a leading light in animal welfare projects around the globe.

“Donations like this really help us to make a difference and create a better world for wild animals and we are thrilled and grateful to receive it,” said Foundation trustee Cheryl Williams.

“We support animal projects across the globe and our aim is to educate and inspire people to support conservation and animal welfare of endangered species.

“Every donation counts and allows us to continue our mission to save the lives of the world’s most endangered animals.”

Richard Cox, CEO of the Nottinghamshire based company, added: “Giving back to the local community is something we value highly. A company in our Effective Energy Group is based in Doncaster and that was what attracted us to Foundation.

“We want the local people to know that we are as committed to the local community as they are. The animals at the park bring a smile to many people so by helping the foundation we are also helping to put a smile on thousands of people’s faces.”

The Foundation was established in 2013 with its Lion Rescue project which saved 13 lions from a rundown zoo in Romania and brought them to the park.

It has supported countless international projects including the Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance, The Giraffe Conservation Foundation and projects in Africa supporting the endangered Painted Hunting Dogs.

The Foundation also funded two key Save the Rhino schemes, improving the safety of threatened Rhino’s in Kenya, supported conservation projects in Madagascar for blue-eyed black lemurs and is instrumental in a global fight to protect endangered polar bears.

The park, which has grown from 66,000 annual visitors when opened in 2009 to a record 761,000 last year, puts conservation at the heart of all its activities.

Yorkshire Photography

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A magical range of events will be unwrapped at Yorkshire WildlifePark

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 18, 2017 08:52:52 AM

The award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park is unwrapping a magical range of events that will keep families and children entertained through to Christmas.

The festive calendar features the ever-popular Christmas Fairs, held over two action-packed weekends, where Santa and a cast of Christmas characters, including Victor the Polar Bear Santa spread the season’s goodwill.

The innovative park will be full of events for all the family and an unrivalled opportunity to snap up Christmas presents from over 100 stalls bustling with arts, crafts and gifts in a fully-heated marquee over the Fair weekends of December 9-10 and 16-17. The Fair is open from 10 am – 6 pm and pre-booked tickets are available at a discount on line prior to the event. The ticket includes both the Wildlife Park and the Christmas Fair.

“The Fairs are fantastic weekends for all the family with the Christmas market, fairground rides, Santa’s Grotto, live music and the chance to see some of the world’s most endangered and beautiful animals while enjoying the Christmas spirit on offer,” said Chris White, Events Manager, at the park at Branton, near Doncaster.

“But there are a whole range of events for all the family leading up to Christmas. There’s everything from days out to works and party nights.”

Festive lunches, afternoon teas, fine dining and parties take on a new perspective when set against a backdrop that is home to some of the world’s most endangered and beautiful animals in the world.

A festive lunch menu for groups of four to 24, start from £15 a head, and a special afternoon tea for £19.95 per person is available throughout December at the Safari Café. Booking is essential.

"If you fancy a change from turkey for your evening out, then the Christmas Party nights offer a culinary trip around the world with a magnificent three course buffet, with live cooking stations. There is an all-inclusive choice from twenty hand-prepared dishes are on offer from talented chefs inspired by global cuisine and festive flavours at the park’s dining facilities. After dinner, a top-class DJ will be spinning the hits to keep the party dancing until 1am in a glittering safari-marquee."

The park, which has good parking and access to road and public transport links, is home to endangered Amur tigers and leopards, giraffes, black rhinos and Project Polar, where the country’s only four polar bears enjoy a ten-acre range full of rolling landscape, pools and caves.

YWP, is the UK’s most innovative and fastest growing wildlife attraction - giving visitors an unrivaled walk through experience with some of the world’s most beautiful and at risk species.

Christmas party nights are available on Thursday 7th, 14th and 21st December at £39.95 per person and on Fridays and Saturdays from the 1st to 17th December at £45 per person.

Bookings accepted for groups of 8 or more. Further dates available on request, for parties of 80 or more.

For full details visit:

Yorkshire Photography

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Doncaster drugs den discovered

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 15, 2017 04:17:14 PM

Officers from Doncaster’s tasking team executed a warrant at a property on North Avenue, Bawtry on Tuesday 14 November.

From this warrant, officers successfully seized 16 cannabis plants and arrested a 33-year-old man on suspicion of production of cannabis.

An investigation is currently ongoing into the incident.

Yorkshire Photography

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Wednesday 15 November 2017

Sheffield man jailed for numerous sexual offences

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 15, 2017 04:17:14 PM

A 26-year-old man, who admitted sexually abusing two young children, has been jailed for six years.

Ashley Godber, of Batemoor Road, Batemoor, Sheffield, appeared before Sheffield Crown Court last month, where he pleaded guilty to:

- Four counts of causing a child to watch a sexual act

- Four counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child

- Three counts of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity

- Three counts of sexual assault of a child under 13

- One count of possession of indecent images of a child

He was back in court today (Wednesday 15 November), where he was jailed.

Godber was first arrested back in September 2016 when intelligence was received that an address he was staying at in the Deepcar area of Sheffield had links to the uploading of indecent images of children to the internet.

Detectives from the Force’s Internet Sex Offences Team (ISOT) then seized a number of electronics from the house and Godber was arrested for the possession of indecent images, as Detective Constable Lee Walker from the ISOT team explains.

“During his initial interview, Godber admitted to looking at indecent images of children and also disclosed to officers that he had sexually assaulted a young girl a number of years ago.

“An in-depth investigation was then launched and after initial enquiries, we discovered that Godber had sexually assaulted a girl who was under the age of 10 at the time the offences occurred. The offences occurred between April 2015 – September 2016, when Godber committed sexual acts in front of her and sexually assaulted her.

“Between December 2010 and September 2016, Godber also sexually assaulted a young boy, who was under the age of 13 at the time the offences occurred.

“Thankfully, Godber admitted to these deplorable crimes and his victims were therefore spared the ordeal of having to recount in court what Godber had subjected them to.

“They have been incredibly brave throughout this entire investigation and I hope that they and their families feel justice in knowing that Godber is now behind bars.

“Any report made to us in relation to sexual offences will always be thoroughly investigated and we will do our utmost to ensure offenders are brought before the courts and held accountable for these inexcusable crimes.”

Please remember victims of sexual offences are provided lifelong anonymity by law and it is a criminal offence to name them.

Yorkshire Photography

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Beware 'BT' phone scam

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 15, 2017 03:18:12 PM

Officers are warning internet users to be on their guard following a spate of cyber-crime in South Yorkshire.

Purporting to be from the Technical Department at BT, perpetrators of the latest fraud have advised victims that their personal accounts are compromised, before instructing them on how to install remote viewing software. Once the ‘spy’ software has been installed, victims were asked to log into their online banking accounts, in order to secure them against fraud.

This process allows fraudsters to access victims' bank accounts and has resulted in several people in South Yorkshire having tens of thousands of pounds stolen from them in recent weeks.

DC Steven Parker of South Yorkshire Police Force Crime Unit said: “This is a sophisticated crime and the people making the calls are very plausible." "It's likely that the crooks at the other end of the line are career criminals. They create panic in the victims before presenting themselves as the saviour and duping victims into giving access to their money.”

Cyber fraud is preventable and you can take precaution by following these simple steps:

• Keep calm and don’t panic if someone claims your account has been breached. Online banking is extremely secure and you will likely be reimbursed if your account is compromised through no fault of your own you.

• Do not log on to your computer or follow any instructions when requested to do so over the phone.

• Always take the name of the company and individual calling you before searching the internet for the company’s phone number and calling it.

Don’t simply rely on a number given to you by someone contacting you, as it may have been provided by fraudsters to make you believe their call is genuine.

Yorkshire Photography

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Two Barnsley men due in court charged with burglary

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 15, 2017 03:18:12 PM

Two Barnsley men will today appear in court charged in relation to two separate burglary offences.

Evan James, 26, of Lindhurst Road, Athersley, is charged in relation to the break-in of a house in Victoria Road, Royston, in August. A TV and a laptop are said to have been stolen from the house.

Ashley Dunning, 22, of Clipstone Avenue, Barnsley, is charged in connection to the break-in of a house in Victoria Road, committed earlier this month where a TV was stolen.

Both men have been remanded in to custody to appear before Barnsley Magistrate’s Court later today (Tuesday 14 November).

Yorkshire Photography

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Monday 13 November 2017

College students run school sports day

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:38:58 PM

Over 200 pupils from Wellgate Primary School have visited Barnsley College to take part in sports coaching sessions organised by college students.

The sessions, held at the college's Sports Academy, introduced the two groups of pupils to sports including football, dodgeball, handball, rugby and other team games.

The sessions were arranged by Level 3 Sport students as part of their courses which requires them to complete coaching sessions, along with voluntary hours, for their qualifications.

Chris Hawley, PE co-ordinator at Wellgate Primary School, said: "The students were so understanding of individual needs and made sure that every pupil had a positive experience. The children had a great day and they really enjoyed all the activities."

For more information on our Sport courses, visit or come along to the Open Day on Saturday 25 November, 11.00pm to 2.00pm.

Yorkshire Photography

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Barnsley man facing prison for storing unauthorised vehicles

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:32:10 PM

A Barnsley man is facing prison and having to pay costs of over £1,000 for storing, repairing and dismantling unauthorised vehicles without the correct planning permission.

Mr Kenneth Wilson, aged 49 from Dearne Hall Road, Low Barugh, failed to attend the County Court in Barnsley on Tuesday 31 October 2017. The hearing was brought to court by Barnsley Council’s Safer Neighbourhood Service.

The case had already seen a successful prosecution in May 2016 and an injunction in July 2017 when Mr Wilson was found guilty of storing vehicles at a site off Midland Road, Royston. Activities have since continued, and vehicles and vehicle scrap were still being kept on the land.

Mr Wilson was found in contempt of court and given a sentence of 14 days imprisonment. The sentence was suspended on the condition he clears the site within four weeks and follows site conditions.

Mr Wilson was also ordered to pay the council £1,075 which has been added to the previous amount awarded against him of £1,068.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: “We are determined to tackle people who ignore planning regulations. In this case, Mr Wilson continued to break the rules given to him by the court, which blocked future use of the site. We will act against anyone carrying out activities that cause noise and disturbance to residents.”

Yorkshire Photography

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Night Marshals help provide a safer night out for Barnsley town centre

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:28:33 PM

People on a night out in Barnsley will benefit from a reassuring presence on the streets in the form of night marshals, from this Saturday, 11 November.

This follows on from the successful presence of town centre taxi rank marshals during busy times such as Christmas and New Year.

Working every Saturday night, and throughout other busy periods, the marshals will patrol areas of the town centre where there have been incidents of alcohol-related disorder. They will support the police by dealing with low-level anti-social behaviour, to make sure any trouble is nipped in the bud, as well as acting as a reassurance for revellers making their way home by manning the taxi ranks.

The marshals are also trained in basic first aid and will complement the work of the Street Pastors.

Active Response Security is providing the marshals on behalf of Barnsley Council.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: said: "We believe that by having the marshals on hand, we hope to ensure that residents and visitors alike enjoy their evening, but feel safe when they are out and about. The marshals will have direct contact with police and alert them to any potential incidents. In some cases, their presence is enough to prevent any volatile situations from escalating.

“Our aim is to create a safer and happier environment where fear of crime is at a minimum.”

All the Night Marshals will wear green high visibility vests so will be easily identifiable, should anyone need assistance.

Yorkshire Photography

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Students experience life on the watch

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:13:58 PM

Barnsley College Public Services students visited Broadway Fire Station to gain an in-depth understanding of the Fire Service.

Students were given a tour of the fire station and a fire engine before observing a search and rescue training exercise. The group of students wore breathing apparatus and blindfolds to simulate thick smoke before having to locate a door where a casualty, a 50kg mannequin, needed saving.

The students were able to experience how the fire fighters and staff prepared themselves and the fire engine for an emergency situation after the station's alarm sounded for them to attend a real life incident.

Joe Field, 17, of Monk Bretton, Barnsley, said: "The fire station trip was very insightful and gave us a good sense of the day-to-day activities of a dynamic fire station. It was very interactive and fun, I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in the fire service."

Chris Pearson, Public Services tutor at Barnsley College, added: "It's good for the students to gain insights and experiences into the industry they have chosen to develop a career in. The group were able to ask for advice on careers available in the fire service."

For more information on our Public Services courses, visit or come along to the Open Day on Saturday 25 November, 11.00pm to 2.00pm.

Yorkshire Photography

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Virtual reality for children in care support

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 02:13:58 PM

People who are involved in promoting education outcomes for children in care will be able to access a hub of useful information and advice from Friday, 10 November, when the new virtual school website pages launch.

The pages include:

information on the virtual school what it is, its aims and how it supports education outcomes for children in care

information for children in care themselves on how to get the best out of their learning including information on termly personal education plans, where they can get help and who can support them.

Information for foster carers on how to support the education engagement of children in their care

Information for school designated teachers to support them in fulfilling their statutory duties to promote the education of children in care

Information for social workers to support their role as lead professional in promoting positive educational outcomes for children in care.

The welcome on the home page has been written by a young person in care and the initial concept for the design of the pages came from a child in care’s involvement in take over day when they took over the role of Virtual School Head for the day. The Care For Us Council has contributed to ideas for content.

There are also pages created to celebrate achievement and a space for children in care to share their top learning tips with other children. It is hoped that children in care, schools, and carers will contribute to the pages and the site will continue to grow.

Cllr Tim Cheetham, Cabinet Spokesperson for People (Achieving Potential) said: “I am delighted to announce the launch of the virtual school web pages. Barnsley Council, as corporate parent, has high aspirations for the children in its care and these new pages offer a wealth of information and advice to support the learning outcomes of children in care. I am particularly proud of the contribution of the children themselves.”

The webpages can be accessed at since Friday, 10 November.

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New students invited to Barnsley College's Open Day

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:54:42 PM

Potential new students will have the opportunity to find out about the wide range of study programmes offered at Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College at an Open Day on Saturday 25 November from 11.00am to 2.00pm.

Barnsley College and Barnsley Sixth Form College offers a range of full and part-time, vocational, Higher Education, A Level and Apprenticeship qualifications. With courses in Hair and Beauty, Health Sciences and Social Care Professions, Horticulture, Music, Media, Computing and Science, Catering and much more, there is something for everyone.

Visitors will have the opportunity to speak to tutors, attend presentations, find out about the range of support services available to them, take a look around the state-of-the-art buildings to see the fantastic facilities and see how the college helps its students to reach their potential.

The Open Day will be held at various college sites including the Sixth Form campus on St Mary's Place, the Old Mill Lane campus on Church Street, the Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) Centre on Old Mill Lane and the Construction Centre and Sports Academy at the Honeywell campus.

Barnsley College Principal Chris Webb said: "We understand that choosing the right college and the right course is a difficult decision. Here at Barnsley College we don't only offer a wide range of qualifications but also lots of support to help our students succeed and go on to achieve the career they want. Our Open Day is an ideal opportunity to find out more and to have a chat with our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We look forward to welcoming you to the college on Saturday 25 November."

With study programmes available from Entry Level to degree in over 100 subjects, studying a qualification at Barnsley College equips students with the necessary skills enabling them to achieve their career goals.

For more information call 01226 216 123, email

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More Barnsley children eligible to get the flu vaccine this winter

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:54:42 PM

Barnsley Council is backing Public Health England's plea to parents whose children have not yet been vaccinated against flu to do so before the winter flu season begins.

For the first time children in school year 4, along with children aged four and over in school years reception, 1, 2 and 3, can get their free flu vaccination, in the form of a nasal spray, in school.

The added school year means that more children can benefit from protection against the flu virus this coming winter.

Young children are particularly vulnerable to flu and are most likely to spread flu to others. Vaccinating them is one of the best ways to protect them and the wider community against flu.

Children aged two to three are also offered the nasal spray vaccine. While it is early in the season, currently only around 14 per cent of children in this age group have received their vaccination.

Last year, an estimated 62 per cent of two to four year olds and 45 per cent of school-age children missed out on getting the vaccine. This year our ambitions are for 65 per cent of all 2-8 year old to receive the vaccination.

Flu and complications associated with it cause 8,000 deaths on average a year in England. Around 6,000 of these are people with heart and lung disease.

Professor Paul Cosford, Director for Health Protection and Medical Director at Public Health England, said:

“Vaccinating those who are most likely to get flu both protects them and offers indirect protection to the rest of the population by reducing the amount of virus circulating.

“Flu can be much more dangerous for children than many parents realise and when children get flu they tend to spread it around the whole family.

“The child vaccination programme is really beneficial in reducing the spread of flu to other more vulnerable family members for whom flu can be very serious.”

Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, said: “Any child can catch flu, thousands do every year and some end up in hospital as a result. Parents should not be complacent - the single most effective way to protect your children against flu this winter is to get them vaccinated with the simple nasal spray.

“Children can be super spreaders so getting them vaccinated not only protects them but also those around them.”

The national drive to encourage eligible people to get their flu vaccination is part of Stay Well This Winter, a joint initiative Public Health England and NHS England to help the most vulnerable people prepare for winter and avoid having to visit hospital due to common winter illnesses.

The drive also aims to encourage eligible people with long-term health conditions to get the vaccine. People with respiratory diseases like COPD, emphysema or asthma are seven times more likely to die if they catch flu, and people with cardiovascular problems like chronic heart disease or angina, or who have had a stroke, are 11 times more likely compared to those who don’t. The risk is far worse for those with chronic liver disease, who are 48 times more likely to die if they get flu.

Around 6.3 million people under 65 in England have a long-term health condition and are more at risk of suffering potentially fatal complications from flu. Last year, uptake amongst high risk groups increased by 3.5% amongst eligible people. This year, more people than ever (around 21 million) will be offered the vaccination.

Reducing flu transmission by children in the community can has been found to help cut the number of GP appointments and unplanned admissions for children and adults, reducing winter pressures on the NHS.

Last year, over 1,000 people were admitted to Intensive Care or High Dependency Units with confirmed flu last winter, with 133 of these cases being fatal.

To get your vaccine or find out if you are eligible, contact your GP, pharmacist or midwife for more information. Visit for more details on how to help you and your family to stay well this winter.

The flu vaccination programme will be extended gradually to older age groups in primary school in future years.

Yorkshire Photography

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Christmas is coming to Barnsley Town Hall

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:54:42 PM

The Christmas count down has begun and Barnsley Council are delighted to be hosting an extravaganza of festive fun as they present Christmas at the Town Hall. The doors will be opening on Saturday 2 December between 10.30am and 2.30pm where Santa will be waiting to welcome residents to a winter wonderland for all the family.

Santa will be taking a break from his toy-making duties to meet local children in his grotto and hand out gifts to all the boys and girls on his ‘good’ list. He’ll be joined by his chief elves who’ll be inviting children into their workshop to take part in lots of exciting elf activities!

Joining the big man in red will be the Mayor of Barnsley, Cllr Jeff Ennis who’ll be offering children the experience of dressing up as a ‘mini Mayor’ by trying on the iconic mayoral robe and chains and taking a sneak peak inside the Council Chambers!

Guests can enjoy listening to live music as they kick start their Christmas shopping at one of the homemade craft stalls or whilst enjoying a mince pie or two! There’ll be festive face painting, Christmas cookie decorating, storytelling and the chance to get creative with plenty of Christmas arts and crafts.

Residents will also have the opportunity to chat to local councillors and ask questions about their role. Guests can also learn more about the services delivered by the council and what else the council can do to help them and their families.

Children (and adults if they wish) are invited to really get into the spirit of Christmas by attending the event in festive fancy dress - they’ll even receive a special gift for their efforts.

Speaking on behalf of the organising working group, Cllr Sharon Howard said: “We’re really excited to be bringing Christmas to the Town Hall. Whether you’re 1 or 101, there'll be something for everyone and it really will be a great way to kick start Christmas in style. Entry and activities are free, so please spread the word and we’ll see you there!”

To make sure Santa brings enough presents, he’s requested that residents register their place to attend and everyone that registers will be entered into a prize draw to win a secret Santa gift.

For more information and to register, please visit, follow us on Facebook or Twitter @BarnsleyCouncil #barnsleycth17.

Yorkshire Photography

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Praise for polar bear conservation efforts

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:43:31 PM

The Yorkshire Wildlife Park and the Yorkshire Park Wildlife Park Foundation have been praised for its ‘commitment and dedication’ to saving endangered polar bears in the lead up to the international Polar Bear Week.

YWP and the charity, based at the innovative park, have been recognised for their tireless efforts to conserve the majestic animals whose Arctic habitat is shrinking because of global warming.

Meanwhile the award-winning attraction has a week of activities lined up for International Polar Bear week which began on November 5, to highlight the plight of polar bears and celebrate projects that are helping save them from extinction.

Climate change has triggered a reduction of the Arctic Sea ice where they roam and hunt, making their existence perilous.

But the park at Branton, near Doncaster, which has the country's four polar bears, is part of fight back that involves home-based research and support for schemes across the Arctic. During International Polar Bear week a collection will be made for the Foundation as well as talks on the bear's plight.

The park's ten-acre Project Polar, one of the biggest polar reserves in the world and home to Victor, Pixel, Nissan and Nobby, recently won a prestigious gold award for its design.

Project Polar is Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s flagship project and combines three key objectives, conservation, welfare and education working towards saving and improving the welfare of polar bears.

The Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation also recently sponsored a critical study that has filmed polar bear dens in the wilds of Svalbard, in Norway, to provide a wealth of critical data on their behaviour.

“We are eternally grateful for your involvement and we couldn’t do it without you,” stated the influential Polar Bears International organization stated.

The fieldwork was complex and challenging with the team having to install and maintain cameras in mountainous terrain with temperatures at minus 18C.

The team needed helicopter support to establish isolated monitoring and tracking system to give an accurate picture of how the polar bears are coping.

The studies will continue as scientists work out ways of protecting polar bears from global warming which has seen a reduction of their sea ice hunting and breeding grounds in all the 19 regions they inhabit in the Arctic.

Janet Stringer, of Polar Bears International stated: "We are extremely grateful to Yorkshire Wildlife Park and the Foundation for your continued dedication to polar bear science and educational programs which increase our understanding of their world and the threats they face. We are so happy for your ongoing support and we look forward to continuing our work together to help conserve polar bears and the sea ice they depend on.

The conservation group will celebrate International Polar Bear Week with the ‘Energy Challenge’, volunteers of the task are encouraged to protect the vulnerable species by using less energy produced by fossil fuels by reducing energy consumption in the home and walking to the workplace.

Foundation trustee Cheryl Williams added: “We are delighted to support Polar Bears International in its range of activities that will provide more knowledge and ways that we can help protect polar bears. The generosity of our supporters has helped fund research such as Svalbard Maternal Den study.”

YWP which puts conservation at the heart of all its activities, offers visitors a mesmerising walk through experience – coming almost face to face with some world’s most beautiful and at risk species, including Amur Leopards and Tigers, Giraffes, Lions, Rhinos and many more.

Yorkshire Photography

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Vet School success for Yorkshire Wildlife Park students

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:43:31 PM

A trio of students from Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s Ranger Academy have won prized places at veterinary colleges to pursue their dreams.

They were inspired by their spells at the Academy which runs week-long and two-day courses for 15 to 17-year-olds who want to learn more about becoming a vet, vet nurse or animal keeper.

The course, at the award-winning park, has helped several students’ progress into full-time careers working with animals. Another class of students is enjoying the courses this week.

''My time at YWP has definitely helped to prepare me for my future career” says Josh Saxon, 19, who graduated from both Ranger Academy courses, and is now studying Wild Animal Biology at the Royal Veterinary College, based in London.

“It was amazing to see and learn all about the wonderful animals at the Ranger Academy. We saw the lions and tigers up close, it was just incredible.”

The Academy provides unique experiences and realistic insights into animal husbandry with a mix of theory and practical assignments across the park at Branton, near Doncaster.

Students can get close to the park’s wide range of exotic animals, including the country's only four polar bears - Victor, Pixel, Nobby and Nissan – at Project Polar, one of the largest polar bear enclosures in the world.

“We saw them being trained and we hand fed them which was just an unforgettable and unique experience.” says Jack Rust, 18, from Retford, who is now studying Veterinary science at Bristol University.

“My Ranger Academy experience was fantastic and definitely played a huge part in helping me secure a place at Vet School. The education team are super friendly and approachable. They were so informative and encouraging.”

Students take part in practical workshops as well as watching presentations, demonstrations and animal training in action from the parks animal rangers as part of the Academy courses.

“I learnt so much and loved every second at the academy,” adds 18-year-old Frances Young, from Doncaster, who’s now studying Animal Conversation at the University of Cumbria.

“It’s all thanks to YWP and their courses that I got into university.”

Graduating from the academy strengthens a student’s CV and equips them with vital knowledge and experience as a foundation for future careers.

Successful students receive an award on completion of the course at the graduation ceremony as well as a photo library documenting their journey on the course and a reference statement.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park is home to more than 400 animals including giraffes, rhinos, Amur tigers and leopards and camels.

For full details of upcoming courses visit Dates are now available for 2018.

Yorkshire Photography

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Longley Park Open Day to be Held on Saturday

Latest news in Yorkshire: November 13, 2017 01:29:05 PM

Longley Park Sixth Form College will be holding its Open Event this Saturday, 18th of November 2017. The College will be open from 10am-2pm for potential new students to come along and find out more about the fantastic range of A Level and vocational courses available to study from September next year.

Young people and their parents will be able to talk to staff and take a look around the fantastic facilities available at the College. They will also get to speak to current students about their experiences at the College.

Representatives from Sheffield Hallam University and the Higher Education Progression Partnership will be there in their mobile classroom to discuss routes into university courses and help with any questions a young person might have about their future.

In the College plaza, prospective students can learn about the range of support and opportunities available at Longley Park. Staff will be available to talk about Student Finance, the Career Ready Programme and the specialised support available for high achieving students.

Yorkshire Photography

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