Tuesday 3 October 2017

Rotherham’s Mayor gives her backing to Project EDWARD

Latest news in Yorkshire: October 03, 2017 12:48:49 PM

Rotherham Mayor Councillor Eve Rose Keenan gave her backing to Project EDWARD – European Day without a road death – on September 21st.

The Mayor signed a pledge to play her part in reducing the number of deaths caused by collisions on the county’s roads – and revealed the personal significance of the campaign.

Councillor Keenan said that the campaign was important to her as she herself had lost a loved one in tragic circumstances.

“I lost my husband at just 22 years old – he was 26 – in an incident caused by a drink driver,” said Councillor Keenan. “I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did and that’s why I feel so strongly about this campaign and road safety generally.

“I would urge people to think hard – think about whether to have that drink, or send that text behind the wheel – it could make a big difference to someone’s life,” she added.

Earlier this year Councillor Keenan and her fellow civic leaders from across the county joined together to take the Project EDWARD pledge and support the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) as part of the Europe-wide road safety campaign.

EDWARD, the European day without a road death takes place on Thursday 21 September and is in its second year. The day of action encourages all road users to take extra care, with the aim of reducing the number of deaths and serious injury on Europe’s roads and promoting awareness of road safety across the continent.

The four main causes of fatalities on the road, often referred to as the fatal four, are:

• Failure to wear or incorrect wearing of seat belts

• Excessive and inappropriate speed

• Distractions (including mobile phone use)

• Drink and drug driving

However there are a number of other factors that contribute towards collisions, such as engaging in risky manoeuvres or not looking out for other road users. By making a few simple changes to driving behaviour we can significantly reduce the risk of a collision.

SYSRP has been promoting the day of action, encouraging drivers, riders, cyclists and pedestrians to reflect on how they use the road and what they can do to create a safer environment on the county’s roads. Participants are also encouraged to show their support by signing and sharing the Project EDWARD pledge for safer driving.

Yorkshire Photography

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