Thursday 6 July 2017

Consultation on ward boundaries

Latest news in Yorkshire: July 06, 2017 11:21:04 AM

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is conducting an electoral review of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.

This review will determine the future size of the Council (the number of councillors) and the ward boundaries to be used in elections from May 2020 onwards.

Following an earlier consultation, the Commission published its draft recommendations for Rotherham on 4 July 2017. These state that the Council should have 59 councillors rather than the current 63 and proposes 25 new wards to be used in the next local elections in 2020.

There are currently 21 wards in Rotherham, each represented by three councillors. This consultation is an important step in deciding what the new ward boundaries will be. The Commission has proposed 9 wards to be represented by 3 councillors and 16 wards to be represented by 2 councillors. The boundaries of all existing wards are proposed to change to some degree.

Comments are now invited on the Commission’s proposed new ward boundaries for Rotherham and the consultation closes on 4 September 2017.

Members of the public can have their say on the proposed new ward boundaries on the Commission’s consultation portal, at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, people can write to the following address:

The Review Officer (Rotherham)


14th Floor, Millbank Tower

London SW1P 4QP

Email the Commision:

Commission Consultation Portal:

Yorkshire Photography

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