Yorkshire Photography
News: Latest - distributed around Yorkshire July 14, 2016 10:47:19 AM
Council moves forward with town centre plans
Published on Thursday, 7th July 2016 in Planning and regeneration news
Rotherham Council is proposing to develop a Masterplan which will provide further details on how the Town Centre will be developed in the next five to ten years.
The proposal is being put forward for consideration by the Council’s joint Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting next week.
If accepted, the Masterplan would build on the work of the Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Results of the recent public consultation on the draft SPD will also be considered at the same meeting.
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy Cllr Denise Lelliott said: “The Masterplan would be an important tool in marketing the wider town centre to potential investors and encouraging further regeneration. Although the SPD is a useful document and identifies specific sites for development, it isn’t designed to consider the full range of development issues within those sites such as viability and deliverability of proposals. Neither does it focus in detail on how each of the key sites could be delivered.
“The Masterplan would identify funding and likely delivery options for these sites, and have a much broader brief than the SPD, including the development of the broad vision and an implementation plan to turn the vision and plans into reality.”
If agreed, the Masterplan would cover a larger area than the SPD, identifying key development sites in the town centre and surrounding areas. It would also focus on transport issues in more detail, including car parking, and identify the key issues and challenges that are likely to affect the town centre including:
National retail and leisure trends
Future role and purpose of Rotherham in an increasingly competitive market
The impact of the Westgate Demonstrator residential development and the Council's ambition to further grow town centre living, with a target of 2,000 new units set out in the Economic Growth Plan
The impact of the new Tesco superstore and the possible re-alignment of the Town’s retail offer
The vacant former Tesco building and the future development of the Forge Island site
Cultural and leisure activities such as the introduction of a central library, art gallery, town centre cinema, hotel and new theatre
The ‘night-time’ economy
Accessibility, traffic, transport and connectivity issues (public transport, walking and cycling, taxis and car parking)
A decision on whether the Council moves forward with a town centre Masterplan for Rotherham will be made on the joint Cabinet and Commissioners' this month July 2016.
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